What made you finally decide to go see a therapist?

  1. There was no “finally” about it. First went in graduate school and I’ve been going off and on for the last 27 years. Self growth is hard, therapy helps.

  2. When my health and “ im
    Gonna fail “ anxiety got so bad i called the ER cause i thought i was gonna die from an allergic reaction .. turns out now i need immunotherapy 🤧😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  3. 15 years. I had too many issues in my life which needed a voice of reason (not mine) or anyone who could be biased. A independent voice.

  4. Realized that I was experiencing symptoms of PTSD and that not only was it not getting better on its own, I couldn’t remember the last time I fell asleep without having to drink liquor or staying up so late that I literally passed out.

  5. Seeing signs of PTSD, pathological conflict avoidance, body dysmorphia, and persistent treatment-resistant depression.

  6. I always knew that something was wrong with me, I grew up with that. I had to do therapy as a young boy already – which not only didn’t solve problems but added more. Between 18 and 25 I gave it another chance and tried to find a therapist, but that didn’t work out.

  7. My parents found a letter from a friend of mine telling me I shouldn’t kill myself. Didn’t want to go initially, but it helped immensely

  8. A series of personal betrayals which broke my ability to trust and put me in a foul mood, basically had me sabotaging all of my friendships with the actually decent people in my life at the time. I got through it, but pushed away some good people in the process. My fault, not theirs. My relationships are great now, but I do still occasionally miss the ones I ruined.

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