So, my husband had coronavirus on May last year. It was fairly mild but it did took him like 2 months to completely recover.

*However*, one thing he has not fully recovered from is the formation of phlegm, and as I much as I empathize with his situation, it can be really unpleasant, especially during intimate times.

For the record, he’s been with physicians and cardiologists and they’ve told him he’s in perfect shape with no indication of significant illness. But no one has figured out how to stop the mucus from forming in excessive amounts.

He lives very normally but frequently inhales loudly while trying to clear his nose or clears his throat, and it can be really unpleasant if we are already kissing or having sex. Obviously, I can’t be mad at him, I’d be doing the same, but it can be quite a turnoff to be getting ready for some sexy time and he suddenly breathes in hard and I can *hear* the phlegm moving.

In the absence of a medical solution, how to mentally work this out?

**tl;dr:** Husband produces excessive phlegm as a long-term consequence of COVID and it can be very unpleasant during intimate times. In the absence of a medical solution, how to mentally work this out?

  1. Sorry, the same thing happened to me after I had COVID last August. It totally hasn’t gone away, but is getting better slowly.

  2. Perhaps he has post nasal drip now, a very annoying side effect of chronic bronchitis? I recommend a vitamin called healthy lungs by Can Prev. It helped me a lot.

  3. Ask him to hack up as much phlegm as possible in the privacy of the bathroom before you have sex. Like really have him go for it, coughing and gargling and nose blowing, whatever it takes. If he can expel a bunch it should take a while for it to be noticeable in his breathing again, plenty of time to have sex

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