I just drank milk out of the carton and felt like asking this.

  1. Being able to bring a woman home without worrying about the opinions of roommates or disrespecting my mother’s home.

  2. Just the freedom. Like simple freedoms of when to clean the house, when to do laundry, what to watch. Absolutely every little decision just adds up.
    6pm….hmm haven’t eaten yet. What should I cook ? Fuck it order pizza.
    Freedom essentially.

  3. No drama loving female flatmate (seven years on and it’s made me apprehensive to ever have roommates/flatmates ever again)

    Can bring friends over without asking permission

    Not feeling self conscious about my snoring

    No chance of listening to a flatmate’s snoring.


    Having a space to go to after you’ve realised that you’ve had several weeks of intensive extroverted activities with friends and coworkers.

    Can use the restroom or shower whenever I want.

    The list goes on.

  4. In truth I didn’t live alone long, and part of the time I lived alone I had a gf, but the best part about living alone was things got done on my time.

    Do I need to vacuum, yes. Am I going to wait until after I have dinner and watch some Netflix? Also yes.

  5. Oh man… there’s so many. The roommate thing can be fun. But it can also come with a lot of annoyances. I think there’s a point where every man needs his own space.

    -You can basically do whatever you want… whenever you want.

    -You can have everything the way you want it… and it’ll always be the way you left it (unless you have pets lol)

    -The ENTIRE fridge is yours. No need to keep your food in a little corner.

    -Peace and quiet 24/7. No random comings and goings and random people around when you just want to relax.

    -Never need to wait for the bathroom and no one puttering around when you want to take a good dump in total privacy… with the door open!

    -You can walk around barenaked.

    -You can masturbate whenever and wherever you want.

    -More privacy for sex

  6. Not being nagged on or hassled every 5 minutes.

    Having moments of silence whenever I want them.

    Cooking and not having to wash the dishes immediately afterward.

    Playing any video games and / or watching any movies that I want whenever I want.

    Decorating my house anyway I want.

    Don’t have to share the covers.

    I can use the restroom and choose to close or leave the door open.

    I can mow the lawn when I want to and not have eyes over my shoulder micro managing it.

  7. Being able to get a blowjob I’m the living room or fuck whenever and wherever I want to in the house.

  8. I could order anything I wanted and get it delivered without my parents asking what it was.

  9. Being able to sleep in without interruption. Work overnight shift and everyone always act so surprised and offended if I wake up at 3 PM or 5 PM.

    Like I just got off work at 9 AM. A lot of times I’ll get off at 9 AM and have to go back at 1 PM, same day.

    dude, not one single human being I have lived with understands that fucking shit. I wish I could just say ‘how do you think all the stuff appeared in the fucking house? Where did all the food in the fridge come from?’

  10. I remember this vividly for some reason. I called off work night shift 10pm-6am. Made a boxed devils food cake with buttercream icing. Ate the entire thing still warm out the oven. Played Destiny 2 and Witcher 3 all night. Slept like a baby. Such a small thing but it stands out.

  11. Travelling to south America Peru to climb
    Maccu piccu. Alone. One of the
    Ten wonders of the world.

  12. You can shit with the bathroom door wide open. That is total freedom when you live alone

  13. I once spent an entire three day weekend completely naked. Just because. It was pretty neat.

  14. Sat naked in front of the computer on a hot day with my feet up and a fan blowing on my taint while eating a whole pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream with 0 shame.

  15. I recall coming and going as I please to hit the gym for hours, read in a park, etc

  16. Coming home from a long day and equally frustrating commute. No one there to ask me stupid questions about work or my drive. No one to there to ask me to do some task that could have been taken care of while I was at work. I got to make my meal, sit down in front of the TV and watch what ever I wanted without interacting with anyone. Fucking awesome.

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