A week ago I hooked up with this guy from my school. We are both graduates now. I am not looking for a relationship with him so I was happy with how things were going, no pressure, easy conversations and good vibes.
We were supposed to meet yesterday but he was too distracted doing something for work and couldn’t make it to my place earlier, so I cancelled and asked to reschedule because I was just falling asleep.

We were supposed to meet today for dinner, and I was waiting for him outside and then he texted me telling me he got caught up at work…and asked to reschedule for tomorrow.

Three minutes later, he showed up with this other girl coming out of campus. I felt sick to my stomach, but I stood and greeted them anyways. He introduced me to her and she was trying to tell me that they only work together because she apparently picked it up that we were hooking up, she was trying to justify why she was with him.
I asked her about where she was from, and last week he mentioned he was also seeing a girl from the same state she comes from and he said it was complicated between the two of them. I kept the discussion super brief, like literally less than 2 minutes, and acted super busy to get rid of both of them.
He then had the audacity to try and kiss me and I kind of gave him a shoulder hug…
And he asked me to text him again and he should be available later….

I am super angry at him at the moment. We went to the same school and we are work connections too, but I can’t stand seeing him on my social media, because he lied to me and took me as an idiot with his behaviour.

What would you do if you were in my place ?

  1. You have a right to be angry about him lying about being “caught up at work.” That’s about it. The guy is a hook up. It’s already more drama than it’s worth.

  2. i mean it sucks that he lied and you have every right to be mad about that. but you’re just hooking up. he wants to go after someone he likes and sees himself being with.

  3. This is how dating is all about, you have to draw a contract or agree to certain terms lol. Too much drama and had he really liked you he wouldn’t have been busy with the other girl. You know it.

  4. Lol, he took her to the same place he took you? And he knew you’d be there? Too funny.
    So maybe he was trying to save face for you; and he tried to kiss you- that’s good. But it does sound like he’s dating this other girl.

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