About 2 weeks ago I met this amazing woman, she’s all I can think of and, until i met her, most of my sexual encounters have been crazy (hilarious/pathetic book worthy encounters). I told her all about my previous encounters before we even met, and she still wanted to meet me afterwards. So we met, She was much prettier in person, our first date ended short because she thought I was tired, but didn’t ask.

Fast forward on our second date we had an amazing day out and in the evening after a meal I ended up at her place and we fooled around and eventually she was comfortable enough and we ended up in bed.

I given her 3 orgasms (not sure if that was just my fingers or also my tongue) as she was the 2nd time I have eaten pussy, but she allowed me to do it twice so I guess that’s a good thing.

However when time came to PIV it was a disaster.
So first issue was the fact that when I am aroused I am like a broken tap, I leak precum nonstop. So the condoms inside got slippery.
Second issue is that me and her both are what society calls bigger people (not massively but still)
Final issue I was blessed with a big brain, and i would say below average dick (length wise about 4 inches), so when she got in her favorite position (being on top) and ridden/grinded on me after a point I had just slipped out of her. But she kept on grinding.

So I told her that I had recently bought some extenders and wouldn’t mind giving it a go next time.

I think she’s such a sweet person that she she said we can try it but that I shouldn’t try it because of her, that she still enjoyed it all, and that I should also be enjoying it. (so if it’s going to make me feel better I should give it a try). She also said that if we don’t use toys (extenders) we must figure out different position that might work. She has only had partners with larger penises, except for one guy she had a one night stand with, but she basically told me that we can make it work one way or another.

So I’m meeting her this week again, and I really like her and hope to get serious with her. And I really want to make it work. And so I’m looking for any advice from you fellow redditors.

  1. She’s willing to work with you…relax and breathe bro you’re good.

    Just take your time you’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t. It’s part of the game

  2. Do exactly what she said you should do… try finding positions that work (you don’t need a short dick for some positions not to work. different heights, bigger butts and just all kinds of body types just make some positions awkward and not very effective).
    Go with the flow, be happy that she’s obviously enjoying herself and find something together that works. And yes, keep the toys out of it.

    And this is not porn. You don’t need to be able to do every position of the kamasutra everytime you guys have sex. Figure out what works and go with that. And don’t focus so much on your dick.

    There’s plenty of interviews out there about women that has relationships with small guys. and the reason why they broke up is almost always “He made a huge issues out of it and had incredibly low self esteem, I couldn’t deal with that.”

    So be confident about your ability to make her cum in other ways and don’t worry so much about PIV. Most girls don’t enjoy that as their primary means of achieving orgasm anyway.

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