My significant other wants me to finish studies soon and find a good job. She does not pressure me a single bit, neverthless, I feel under constant pressure by her. I love her, but I this is making me feel bad day after day, at the point where I have to treat my anxiety with medications. I am scared soon I’ll be forced to break up, otherwise I’ll break down. Is it okay if I keep being in the relationship unless it’s too much, or should I end it now?

I told her I feel under pressure and she understood, but I keep feeling like she keeps thinking about that. Honestly I feel such a failure.

TLDR: I am behind with my life and rightfully my SO does not like it, and wondering if I should break up now.

  1. Your problems are nothing to do with your SO. You said at the end that you feel like a failure, but from your post your SO has never even alluded to believing that’s they think that about you.

    You are feeling judged because of insecurities and worries that are within your own head. They’re not easy to deal with and improve but you can do it and they can be managed.

  2. Your problems are not her problems. It sounds like you’re working towards finishing your education, and getting a job, but it’s not fast enough for her. Take it at your own pace, and you know what, if she breaks up with you because of it or gives you shit about it you don’t want to be with her anyway.

  3. If your relationship is giving you severe anxiety you are better off ending it.

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