I dated a guy slightly over a month.. which is even hard to call it a dating since it was too short. We lived an hour and a half away and recently for the last two weeks we haven’t seen each other since he was busy.

As we got closer to the breakup, I just got a bit pissed even tho he told me he was busy. I was quite sad how he only replied with one word even one letter like.. ‘o’ ‘y’ ‘ok’ ‘gn’.

So I eventually opened up about my emotions and then he suddenly told me he wanted to breakup. I asked for the reason and he just said he can’t be there for me when I need him. I repeated numerous times that I’m okay and I can wait but he just told me he has already made the decision.

What really annoys me is how he texted me in the end. After a long msg from him, I just thought for an hour and send him back ‘ok, i understand. It is happy to have u. Good night.’ And he said..
‘I was happy too. I love u. Good bye.’

What was that i love u for?
Thruout the convo, we both said that we still love each other, but he was the only one that didn’t want to be together despite all that ‘i love u’ shit.
I don’t understand.

We are still in touch somehow, as friends. He doesn’t reply to me that much at all, but I like receiving messages from him. Am I being weird??

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