How much are you willing to spend on attending a bachelorette party?

  1. A reasonable nights worth? Travel hotel etc no I just couldn’t budget it right now. It hard to put a number on though and depend on if it was someone close or not whether I’d be happy to pay more

  2. I’m not. I love and support my friends, but the idea of a bachelorette party is my idea of a living hell, so I’ll love and support them in other ways.

  3. Really depends how much I care about the person. If it were a sibling I’d probably go up to 500 even though I know they’d never ask that. Anyone else, a hundred at the absolute most. Unless we are talking about a getaway weekend sort of deal, then there’s just so many factors to consider there that I can’t answer.

    I don’t really get the point of bachelor/ette parties, but if it would make them happy then whatever.

  4. $50 or so maybe? I’ve never been to a bachelorette party so I’m not honestly sure what the norm is. If it’s someone I was really close to or cared about more, I might be willing to spend more, like $100-$200, if we were going to an event or something. But if it’s more like a casual friend, acquaintance, cousin I don’t talk to much, yeah maybe like $50 for drinks and food.

  5. 😂 zero which is why I didn’t have one nor have I been to one.

    That whole last night of freedom thing is such bs .

  6. Depends who it’s for.

    For my friend’s upcoming Bachelor/Bachelorette party in Vegas, my SO and I are driving to Vegas, staying at the Bellagio, and going out Saturday night with them and in total are expecting everything to cost like $500-600. She’s my high school best friend and we will also be flying to NYC for her wedding so all in all the whole thing will be costing us a bit, but I wouldn’t do it for everyone.

    For my mom’s bachelorette weekend getaway last year my sisters and I paid for a nice air bnb in between wine country and the coast, some dinners and activities, a spa day, etc and I think we each paid probably $1000 or so. But that’s my mom, so.

    (Tbh though it seems like “bachelor/bachelorette o parties have moved away from whatever they used to be and have started to move more toward just a celebratory night or trip, which I love – something less formal and stuffy than any of the actual wedding things, but still celebrating those getting married)

  7. $0. As a person who spent 7 years getting an advanced degree, I’m 27 and just now getting to a place where I have enough income to pay my bills, let alone have spending money. Over the years, I’ve informed people upfront if they want me in a wedding I don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend on being in a wedding party. I’ll cover nominal costs, but I’m not going to take out more student loans to spend $700 on a bachelorette weekend, $200 on a bridesmaids dress, and another $50 on a wedding gift, and another $300 traveling and staying at a wedding venue. I think if people want a bachelorette party that’s expensive they can pay for it. Expecting your wedding party to is very unfair given many people are barely able to pay their own bills. At my bachelorette I just had friends over and we hung out. No one had to flush away hundreds of dollars and it was still a blast.

  8. Is it a getaway weekend or a one night event? What are the other costs of participating in the bridal party (dress, make up, hair, etc)

    Totally depends

  9. Depends on context, but generally not much. I’m not big on the kind of parties that cost participants significant amounts to attend.

  10. Not much lol… I’ll pay for part of the meal for sure, but that’s about it.

  11. I went on a whole weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) bachelorette trip once, and never again. I wasn’t even in the bridal party, it was just certain circumstances that warranted that I be extended an invite. I think it cost somewhere around $600 to pay for our own way plus to cover the bride, and we didn’t even do everything that was planned (and already paid for!!!) because 2 of the other girls got so drunk the night before that they weren’t up to going anywhere the next day, and everyone wanted to stick together and stay with them.

    For my own, it cost everyone like $60 plus I paid for my own way. But I think $100 is reasonable.

  12. It depends on the person and the party.

    I’m not spending $500+ to go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City. They suck and are way overrated, it’s not worth it. Gambling and getting drunk, nothing else to do, not my idea of a good time.

    If they wanted to do something like Glamping in Montana or go to a fun city like Nashville or Austin or heck even Disney I’d throw down bigger bucks because it’ll actually be a good time and there’s a ton to do.

  13. It truly depends but I’ll range it from $150-900. I’ve been to local ones for one night, city nights, local weekends and destination weekends. All have been within budget and worth it.

  14. I find wedding culture to be so toxic sometimes. The expectation that your friends should be able and willing to spend hundreds or even thousands on attending not only your wedding, but also all the extra events surrounding it, just seems rude and narcissistic to me.

    I would not spend money to attend a bachelorette party unless I felt that I couldn’t get out of it without mortally offending someone, or I wanted to attend and had the funds.

    When I got married, instead of a bachelorette party, I had a relaxed backyard dinner party for my close friends, male and female. I paid for everything. My “bridesmaids” wore whatever they felt comfortable in to the wedding, and they didn’t even remotely match me or each other. I made sure there were good vibes, good food, good music, and plenty to drink. Everyone had a blast.

  15. About as much as I’d spend on a normal night out at a restaurant or bar, plus transportation or a night in a hotel so I wouldn’t have to worry about getting home after drinking. But I wouldn’t be willing to pay for airfare, a resort, gambling, expensive tickets, beauty treatments, etc.

    My sister’s friend was planning a “destination” bachelorette party at a resort 1000 miles away, so attendees would have had to spend well over $1000 of their own money on airfare, hotel and spa packages (on top of all the other costs of being a bridesmaid). Thankfully, Covid derailed that plan!

  16. Depends on how close I am to the person, but up to $500 probably. Like if it was a weekend trip somewhere.

    So far my married friends have just had local chill hangouts for their bachelorette parties, with candle making and fortune tellers and stuff.

  17. Maybe $200? And I’m talking like a weekend away, not a party. A one night thing, whatever the cost of dinner and chipping in for the bride. At this point in my life I can’t say I have anyone I would attend a bach party for though.

  18. Probably around $100? Idea being that we went for dinner and drinks. I don’t drink alcohol but I would buy some drinks for the bride. If the idea was to travel somewhere, stay at a hotel and do other things I would have to do say no. I don’t have that kind of money right now.

  19. I’d spend a few dollars for a good time for sure, but I wouldn’t break the bank. 300$ max maybe? If it’s a close friend for hotel and such

  20. If they’re my close friend, like I see them monthly and chat weekly… like $1,000. For something reasonable. Like destination bachelorette not like a night at some bougie resteraunt and it’s like $600pp.

    I made the mistake of spending $1400 on a girl that doesn’t even reach out to us post her wedding lol I should have known better that she was reaching out and hanging out with us more often so that she can gather up a bridal party.

    She would probably pin it as she’s busy with work and she just recently gave birth (two years post wedding) but honestly if you want to make time for people, you do. She didn’t.

  21. The older I get the lamer they seem. I’ve partied and gone out enough in my 20’s, these things seem like a way of overcompensating or making up for lost time. Everything that’s novel about a bachelorette party I have done.

    If I ever get married we’re doing a nice brunch/dinner, possibly a spa day where you’re given options on how much to spend. I’m definitely not doing something that lasts more than a day.

  22. Depends on the bride, invitees, and the events. Do I like the bride but don’t really like a lot of her other friends and am I not interested in the events? I’m not spending much and it’s possible I won’t go. Do I love all the people and does a long weekend away sound fantastic? Yeah I’ll drop some serious cash on that.

  23. Gonna be real, it depends on my relationship to the bride and what else I have going on. None of my friends have done destination bachelorettes and I don’t think I’d be willing to pay what those seem to cost ($1K+), but I’d be willing to drop a few hundred for a good friend. For a not-as-close friend, I’d be willing to pay for my dinner and pitch in on the bride’s dinner and probably skip out before drinks.

  24. Well, IF I had friends (and a really good one) I’d probably say a couple hundred dollars. I’d rather give her something really nice for her wedding (for her and her spouse to share).

  25. I’m going to one in April for one of my good friends. So far I’m in $200 for flight and $300 for vrbo.

    I’m fine with spending this because of how much I love her, and we’re going to a place I’ve never been before and probably won’t get a chance to go to again.

    For mine. People had to pay $350 for vrbo but it was within driving distance of everyone but one person. We arpooled and cooked a couple meals at the house to save money.

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