So i (20m) consider myself to be quite handsome, I am 192 cm, not fat and with a fairly decent face, yet I’m not successful at dating. I’ve only had 1 gf and I don’t think that many women find me attractive since for example on the street they don’t pay attention to me. Thing is that even female friends of my female friends haven’t mentioned that they find me attractive yet many of their male friends say that I’m very good looking. So why is it that I’m not successfull in dating

  1. I would say you should either get a dating app or go out with your friends to clubs/bars and meet women you’ve never met before. Chances are a couple of them will think you’re attractive and if you think the same about them, things will hit off

  2. Hm… maybe some girls are shy about giving guys compliments..? Idk, hard to tell.

    But I saw your recent tinder post… Yes, you are handsome. But keep in mind— how is your personality like? What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing for fun? Do you have long term and short term goals you’re working towards? What makes you an interesting person? Most importantly, do you have a great sense of humor and confidence? Bonus if you love animals and have pets. Trust me on that one hahaha. Good looks gets a girls attention for sure but your personality is what makes them stay. If you exude a great sense of self-confidence, can be witty, and be respectful to women, men, children, and everyone around you; believe me, many girls will be open about finding you attractive. The thing is, we like to either keep it amongst ourselves and give you subtle hints or we tell our girlfriends and they throw hints for us haha. Even at 24, I act this way because I get shy or nervous lol.

    Just be yourself, dress well, smell nice, and vibe. Have a good charm and positive attitude but don’t be a try hard. Much research points to the way in which they [men] behave around others as a major factor” (Martin Graff, Ph.D, 2021).

    Anyway, I think it’s nice that other guys give you compliments. That’s so sweet haha. I love seeing guys compliment each other.

  3. 1) 1 gf for a 20 year old is a pretty normal amount

    2) Stop giving the fact that “women in the street pay no attention to you” any significance. Women (trust me, I’m one) don’t really check out attractive men in the street to the extent men do with women. Unless you’re a literal supermodel, you won’t get attention just with your looks and that’s completely normal.

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