[I’m going on a rant]
Me and my boyfriend haven’t been dating for long and I’ve been having this problem with him.
Just today I sent him a video from r/abruptchaos and I made a joke about the song used in it, then proceeded to tell him he wouldn’t get the joke. Of course, he goes and thinks everything is a joke and that he’s so funny. When I get mad while talking to someone, I tend to text or speak in a different language, so I started texting him, correcting him on his “joke”. He uses Google translate, the most inefficient way to translate a foreign language, might I add. He tells me something totally different from what I wrote and gets mad at me.
Then, there was another time where I sent him a video of a guy and he said something smart about it that was very directed towards me. I was giving him obvious gestures and hints to him that I didn’t appreciate that and I eventually didn’t talk to him for maybe 2 or 3 days because everything I try to tell him is transparent to him. I ended up having to apologize to him because he got annoyed at me not talking to him, telling me “I don’t know what I did but you’re really starting starting piss me off.”
I’m getting sick an tried of the things he does in general. How do I get this to stop after telling him to stop so many times before? (I know there’s a lot of flaws in here but I didn’t elaborate enough on everything because I didn’t want to turn it into a novel. Sorry if what I’m saying sounds a little iffy.)

  1. Dump him and find someone that gets you and understands your second language (or is willing to learn it).

  2. > When I get mad while talking to someone, I tend to text or speak in a different language

    > He uses Google translate, the most inefficient way to translate a foreign language, might I add. He tells me something totally different from what I wrote and gets mad at me

    Does he know the language? I mean if YOU sent it in a different language, knowing he doesn’t understand it. It’s your fault he made a mistake, and you should help him learn it, and not get mad

    And if he doesn’t want to learn it, you can’t force someone to learn something they don’t want to. And that shouldn’t be a turn off, not everybody wants to learn another language(and that may not mean he doesn’t love you)

    The whole point of language is communication. So if you use another one where he can’t get the point, when you could’ve used one where both understand things well and can communicate, you can’t blame him for not getting it

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