It feels like most people out there dating are above average: online dating, speed dating, events, club are full of above average looking people that are interested in casual relationships or never satisfied with each other.

Then there are some below average ones that in my experience have higher standards than those above average.

I just want to meet normal average women looking for something serious, possibly in an environment where they are not outnumbered 8:1

Any suggestions? I live in a major global city.

  1. Most people out there who are dating are above average? Oh, I have news for you….

  2. Stop overthinking it. Consider that today is not your window. Enjoy your life and continue to socialize. If at some point you meet someone you like, ask her out. Don’t overthink it or beat around the bush forever, just do it. Repeat as needed.

  3. haha, dating apps and clubs can’t be full of above avg women, then they are average

  4. I think I’m a solid cute. My husband thinks I’m gorgeous. Your “average” doesn’t exist. Talk to whomever you find attractive, but don’t be a creep about it.

  5. If/when you find one, don’t tell her that your target was to date ” average looking women “

  6. I am a straight woman but in my opinion, most women are gonna be pretty lol. We tend to care about our appearance. I would say 60-70% of women are pretty. Meanwhile men tend to be 50% below average, 40% above average and 10% good looking. These numbers could change the more a man cares about his appearance. Btw I’m not saying this to hate on men, like I said, I’m a straight woman, I generally like men. But women just look better on average, which is why they’re more valued for their looks while men are valued for other things like status and wealth. If you want an average woman she’s most likely still pretty! Idk if this helps 🙂

  7. But the problem is those women are also searching for above average male or men like Henry Cavill/ George Clooney..

  8. Learn to dance Latin music. Salsa, bachata and merengue, Cumbias. There are women from all over the spectrum at those events, most of the time, ladies outnumber the guys and I’m just finding out that dancing is a hell of a way to connect with people! Much more effective than just talking.

  9. Average looking women are everywhere. Most women are average looking without makeup. They only become one step above average looking when they put makeup on.

  10. I’ve tried dating apps for a couple months now with literally no results it’s frustrating.

  11. Women are everywhere! When was the last time you went to the store and just had a casual conversation with someone? If you do the small talk right, you’ll probably find out she’s single.

    I’ve been lucky a couple times but just get out there and start talking to them.

  12. Sorry, man. This sounds like a confidence/strike out thing.

    I’m NOT meaning to be a jerkoff. I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about, but as a man, you’re always going to be outnumbered, and, sometimes, outgunned at the same time. It’s the way of evolution, apparently.

    I don’t know if it was always this way. I don’t mean to sound old, but phones and internet have ruined everything in my opinion. Just get out there and shoot your shot when there’s a woman who interests you and try your best not to feel broken up if it doesn’t work out.

    Also, sharpen your body. It will sharpen your confidence. I don’t care how stupid that sounds, because it works for pretty well every man. When you view yourself as outstanding, other people tend to notice… as long as you don’t be a total douche about it (even then, people complain, but that kind of confidence is better than none for some).

    If I actually thought there was such a place that you described, I’d spare you my talk and tell you where it was.

  13. My suggestion is high end grocery stores like whole foods, and farmers markets. Usually there are a few attractive and single women that are regulars there. Make it a habit to stop in one or two of those places a week and be chatty to the help. I find that when I talk to the people who work there that the customers tend to listen in and if we laugh about something they will also smile. That can give you an opening to make eye contact, say hello and see where it goes. Good luck man!

  14. I think your mindset is wrong IMO.

    Work on yourself physically and mentally to the point where you think you are above average

  15. Good luck, I am an average female trying to find an average guy….been looking for at least 20 years.

    To find one what I had tried in the past was group event stuff in the hope I might run into someone. It didn’t work mostly married couples go out. Single people I guess to to bars.

    I don’t drink.

    So pick an interest and go do that try something you might have an interest in. It’s hit or miss/ being in the right place at the right time.

    Like I gave up on dating apps for 6 months last year and caved in after Thanksgiving and like a week after met a guy dated him for two months then he dumped me but it been 3 years of looking and talking to a few different guys. So it took me 3 years to actually find a guy to go on a date with. When he dumped me I told him he find someone and he shook his head and said no he wouldn’t and that he was unattractive…bla… bla. Whatever I told him he was a good looking to me. YEs he was average guy but their was small things about him that I really found attractive. I felt he was better looking then me so I was like that was a plus.

    So now I just believe I will be in the right place at the right time. I can’t do online dating anymore it’s getting harder for me to tell if someone is a scammer or real. I think it’s because it’s just nice to talk to someone…even talking to the scammers is appealing to me .They at least are making an effort. HA HA.

    You just have to put yourself out their and see what happens. I notice single people don’t go out much. So I understand what your going through.

  16. Stop looking at women as statistics and ratings and evaluate them as *people*. That’ll get you somewhere.

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