i (f22) have always struggled with my self confidence and self esteem. lost my virginity at 19 to some guy and felt horrible about my self. he made it super clear he did not care about me or my feelings. doesn’t matter now- that said, I’ve also been afraid of the whole hook up scene. i want to have sex just as much as anyone but whew, actually going out, meeting people and having sex with them has been TERRIFYING. recently i’ve learn to try not giving a fuck about what people think of me and see if that gives me a bit more confidence. went out to a club with my friend, me and this guy made eye contact and made our way. ended up bringing him home and we have had the best sex i’ve had in a while, if not ever. like i think i finally know what people mean when the say “mind-blowing” sex. my last relationship was pretty sexless so this is a nice change. he was also surprisingly very respectful, funny and chill. i decided it would be best for me to not expect anything from that night, maybe at most a new sex partner. to my surprise, he’s been making texting me every since to hang out again. i don’t know how to feel honestly. it’s surprising to me that he still want to hang out after we have already had sex. i thought most guys would be satisfied enough and dip. i’m not really looking for a relationship but i can’t help but to feel so damn giddy and that scares me lol. i think i need advice here. should i see him again? i’m afraid i caught feelings after literally one sexual encounter. idk maybe i need to learn how to navigate fwb without getting feelings involved.

tldr: met a guy at the club, had amazing sex and surprised he wants to spend more time together. how do i not get attached?

1 comment
  1. Met my wife at a rave. Been together a long time got married young. Not everyone sucks, doesn’t mean y’all will work out. Worth giving it a shot though, good luck

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