I think I have some issues with connecting to humans in general. I’ve been thinking about this for a while to remember if I have EVER had someone I felt totally comfortable with who I could share a lot of things with without fear. And the answer is no. I’ve lived 22 years on Earth and I have to admit there’s something wrong. All throughout childhood, school, undergrad, and grad, I have never got close to a single human being. For a long time I thought this is how everybody’s life is but I think it’s not. Maybe my awful childhood scarred me for life. Maybe I was born this way. Maybe my school plus my childhood scarred me for life. I’m not introverted. I love being around people but I never make a human connection with anyone.

I’m on my own.
A lonely bug flying around on its own.
Unsure whether it’s happy or sad but determined to figure things out.
Bumping into rough winds but still holding on tight and moving about.
Hoping some day I’ll have someone special in my life.

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