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  1. Are you having success (however you personally define that)?

    If so, not much. But some may say “have a pic of you smiling directly into the camera” or “don’t smell a dogs butt”

  2. The only thing that I found confusing on your profile is “pepper lover.” Black pepper? Hot peppers? Are you trying to say you like spicy food?

    Otherwise, I got the vibe that you’re just wanting hookups and will probably not put in much effort. Which, if that accurately represents your situation at the moment, shouldn’t be a problem.

  3. It’s cliche as fuck, I mean you even mention tacos twice, but it’s not awful. I’d lose the pic with your family, it’s your worst one but not cause of them lol

  4. I’d get rid of the “animals >people” line. It can be taken as being antisocial, plus your target audience is people so someone could read that as your pet comes first (if you have any).

  5. Where you lost me was animals>people.

    I don’t even really understand what it means. Do you hate people? Like if you had a choice to save a dog or a human from drowning, you’d pick the dog? Are you going to be rude to wait staff because they’re not horses in aprons?

    Why is there a need to rank animals and people in the first place?

    I suppose if any of the above is true, definitely keep it in so that people, who are people, won’t be surprised when Rover gets all of your love and affection, and she has to sleep on the floor.

    Otherwise, I’d suggest using “animal lover” instead.

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