So me and my partner of 6 years have hit a dry patch. We went from having sex so much, to now it’s ridiculous. He rather work out for 5 hours on our only days off together or be asleep. Me on the other hand, I’m a very sexual person. I get so horny so fast. And I’m scared to say but I can’t live like this. The last time we had sex, he was soft and it was like smearing a limp gummy worm in syrup. I ask him all the time “is it me?” I get no. I try to spice it up, but my sex drive is different then his. I even asked for an open relationship cause I need sex. Idk what to do at this point?

  1. I’ve been together for 10 years with my girlfriend well now wife and I can tell you this is normal it’s sad but it’s just a part of relationship life I guess…

  2. We don’t even sleep in the same bed!!! Like I just don’t understand.

  3. I’m you mentioned going to the gym for five hours and a limp noodle. What’s his intensity at the gym? Does he go hard, or just kinda go exercise to exercise. Moreover how do you guys bond? Like what’s the greatest and most shared intimacy/connection mutual activity between you two now. Also you’re on the ledge girl lol. Just chill for a second and recollect

  4. Erectile dysfunction?

    He’s bodybuilding?

    If sex is as important to you as it is to me, well I’d not be with someone who couldn’t keep up.

  5. Have you tried talking and explaining how you miss having sex with him and if you two can work together to get there again? If yes, the next option would be the couple therapy.

    I’ve been there before. It super sucks and I am sorry you are dealing with this. I don’t know if you do manage to overcome it but I for sure know that if you both commit to it, this issue can be overcome. It absolutely doesn’t have to be that way.

  6. I’d be curious about what’s all going on in his life. Body building could be part of it. I know several young body builders that need to take meds to combat ED. Said something about muscles being under constant strain. There is the question about using steroids as well. Not saying he is but that can also cause it. I’d be curious about his mental state as well. If he’s depressed or has an addiction to a substance that can also impact sex drive. You’ve been with him 6 yrs that means you really care about him. Might be worth it to check out some a counsellor

  7. There’s a chance that it is you. I’m VERY sorry to say that. Humans can be weird and terrible. If both of you over the years started gaining weight and he suddenly started working out and then increased that amount… it could be because he felt he had no right to say to you that he finds you less attractive bigger when he was big too. You can’t change other people, all you can change is yourself. And he’s in tune with your emotions. I’m NOT saying he’s handling this correctly. He’s being immature no matter WHAT the reason is by not discussing it with you.

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