I hope this sort of topic is allowed, mods please let me know if not.

I was not raised in a wealthy family – my parents were actually quite poor when I was born. My immediate family is often joked about as the trashy ones. Since growing up I’ve gotten a college education, so I’m able to at least get through professional events, but nothing like this upcoming event.

Through mutual connections, I now find myself invited to a black tie wedding at a *very* affluent venue – honestly the type of wealth that usually just makes me angry. Just the thought of the setting and other attending guests is really triggering my social anxiety. I have ADHD and am very impulsive, but I can rein it in when I am careful. My biggest fear is committing some major social faux-pas during the 3 day long schedule of events and being seen as an unrefined idiot (I know I am an idiot sometimes but I would like to pretend I’m not for this particular weekend), and then proceeding to ruminate on it for the next month.

I’m looking for any advice to get through this weekend unscathed but also enjoy myself. I’ve studied some basic table etiquette but I have no idea how to conduct myself during the cocktail hour, welcome party, venue tours, etc. I’m likely over-analyzing everything to do with this wedding, but I suppose that’s anxiety for you.

  1. Wealthy people act stupid and have fun too. The refined, upper-class, highbrow society behavior where you must act perfectly formal or else be excommunicated doesn’t exist, or, at least, it hasn’t existed in the hyper-wealthy spheres I’ve been in.

    I think you are overthinking how you should behave. Chill out, be yourself, and if you say something stupid, laugh it off and keep rolling.

  2. Yes, definitely overthinking it. Be polite, friendly and restrain yourself from being too impulsive. Most people won’t think a thing about you background. iAlso, how would you ever know what anyone else’s background is at an event like that? They could come from the same background you did. And, final thought, rich people can have ADHD too. Have fun!

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