So I (m25) had been talking to someone (m23) for about a month and a half. Within that time we hung out twice, both times went well. Anyways, he was a student teacher and was extremely busy making presentations/grading homework/applying to fill time teaching jobs, so although communication was consistent, sometimes he’d go a little longer without replying.

He would always apologize for taking long to reply (usually within 24 hours) and even made a point to tell me “I’m so sorry, I swear I’m not ghosting on you” only to 10 days later essentially ghost me.A part of me thinks that it was unintentional and was just a matter of him not replying due to being busy and being “embarrassed’ to reply at a point where he might’ve deemed too late.

It’s been a day short of a month since that occurred, and he is done with the school year, so I was thinking of reaching out but I don’t know what to say, ideally something casual that involves asking how’s he’s been and if he’d wanna kick it again. Or if I should even say anything at all?

TL:DR- I was (what I’m depicting as) unintentionally ghosted and it’s been about a month since. How can I reach out (if at all) without coming off too strong?

  1. Looks like you’ve got nothing to lose at this point by reaching out. Don’t set your expectations too high, for all you know he might have intentionally ghosted you, though bless you for giving him the benefit of the doubt.

    “Hey looks like school’s out for a while, how’s life holding up for you? If you’re free, I’d love to catch up with you and hang out. What do you think?”

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