Like did your doctor give you a difficult time, what was recovery like, and are you glad you did it?

  1. It was a bunch of BS when I got mine done. I had to have the husband sign one form, I had to sign a different form, then I had to have a totally separate appointment to sign yet another form to show them that I hadn’t changed my mind after I got a lecture from them🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
    The healing process took less than a week for me, but of course, everyone is different in that regard.

  2. I didn’t have a difficult time because I already had 3 kids. Recovery was rough because I did it separately from my C-section because I wasn’t sure about it. I do regret doing it for sure. Ptls is a real thing that many women go through after getting it. However many women feel great and happy after it too.

  3. Not difficult but took a hell of a long time. From asking for it to getting it done my husbands vasectomy took under six months. For me it took almost two years.

  4. I had my tubes removed (and then later had a hysterectomy). I had 3 kids so maybe that made things easier but I was also still in my late 20s so I expected some run around based on stories I’d heard. But when I asked to have my tubes removed my doctor was like “OK! Sounds good. I’ll have my surgical coordinator give you a call.” Easy as that.

    Also- I’m glad I had it done for birth control reasons but it made my periods absolutely horrific and led to me getting a hysterectomy which is fine but that’s something to consider.

  5. Had my tubes removed, was one of the easiest things I’ve had done. Immediate approval upon asking (while still pregnant with my only), recovery was nothing…my body is stupid and likes to hold onto gas rather than get rid of it so dealing with that part of things sucked majorly, but otherwise all went very smoothly for me.

  6. Not at all for me but I was lucky to have a doctor who got it. I had friends who were refused but mine said “well they’re your tubes” and that was that. Recovering from it was a lot more than I anticipated tho.

  7. Got mine done at 21 with no kids. Walked in to my appointment and talked to my doctor and handed her a letter clearly outlining
    A. The procedure I want done
    B. why I want it done
    C. That I understand that this is a permanent decision

    She immediately referred me and I talked to another doc who got the same letter and agreed to schedule me for the procedure.

  8. I first asked when I was around 35 and was denied, with your typical *you’re too young you might change your mind* BS speech. When I was 38 I had a scare and needed the morning after pill and I was like fuck this, went to her again and asked… that time I had zero resistance, she put in the referral and a year later I had my tubes removed at 39, no questions asked. Kids were never a thing I wanted ever and she always knew that, so finally she just agreed this is what I wanted and that was that. ONE OF the best decisions I ever made.

  9. I had mine done at 18, single. My doctor gave me pushback. Then I showed him the testimony of one of the men, a doctor, who raped me when I was a child, that due to long term untreated STIs due to years of abuse, I had tubal factor infertility, and that in the extremely unlikely event I got pregnant, it would certainly be ectopic because the zygote would not be able to get past blockages in my tubes. I told him that I would happily talk to the local consumer news guy and take my case to the court of public opinion.

    I just wanted ligation for my own health. He agreed it was in my best interests. But if I hadn’t had such an awful story to back it up, I’m certain I could never have found a doctor willing to do it.

  10. I was single, 24, just given birth. Took me four hours of shit talking spiral of insanity before they would agree. Like I had to spew some shit for them to agree. I’m 48. Never cared if my period was late or weird. Never worried while I was having sex. Saved me from having four kids with four different dads. (I fall in love if someone is breathing and immediately want to breed). Carefree world when ya ain’t got no worries!!!

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