Or the thought of losing them.

  1. I’ll go first lol

    I am not sure I’ve ever had this. I have had relationships that ended and was devastated by, but what I know is that they led to better things.

    I realized what I wanted, what I didn’t want, and what is really important to me. I also learned that while I can love someone, I can’t do the emotional labor for both of us, and that sometimes loving someone means letting them go so the can also follow their bliss.

    My last LTR was probably the best example: I loved him completely, but at the end of the day I realized (through therapy) that my nervous system was almost always activated in some way. He was, what I thought, my best example of a loving, caring, supportive relationship, but I knew in my heart of hearts that it wasn’t going to work out.

    My current guy is the complete opposite – I can talk to him about virtually anything and know that he’s not going to shy away from it or me. He’s goofy AF and I never feel like I have to pretend I’m something I’m not. I would hate to lose him, but sometimes that just happens. And I will go on to love and be loved by others.

  2. Once. But I don’t know that it healthy safe love so much as it was codependent anxious attachment.

  3. Twice. My first long term serious bf that was a 5 year long relationship and the one I’m in now.

    I look at my man now and know that any fall out with him no matter how mutual or gentle it is will destroy me.
    I’ll live and of course I wouldn’t try to stop him leaving if ever he wanted to. Hus happiness is everything to me. But I know I’d never love like I love him again. I just wouldn’t be the same.

    I cherish every moment I have with him. Every hug, kiss, hand hold. Every goofy joke, messily made meal and dirty fliting. All of it is saved in my memory because I know this sort of love is so rare. Yes he annoys me sometimes and we all have bad habits and it’s not all sunshine and roses. But I love this man with my whole being.

    We’ve been together 2 and a half years, have a house together and a dog. This is the man I want to marry and have kids with. I pray one day he asks me but I’m grateful just to have him as long as I can.

    I love you Liam.

  4. 0. Never been so hard in love with anyone. I’m in a relationship now and i love him but I’m not in love. We’ve been through so much together, so if it ended, it would still break my heart, even if I was the initiator.

  5. Once. I was surprised because I used to think heartbreak was a made up stuff, never expected it to be a constant physical pain surrounding the heart, with anxiety, severe palpitations and extreme grief.

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