So, I’ve got this new friend that is getting minor dental surgery tomorrow, and I want to send them a nice message wishing them good luck and everything, but my brain goes into anxiety mode and convinces me that no one does that and I’ll just look stupid and ignorant and weird them out, so I need external opinions. Is it a good idea ?

  1. Just say this, “Hey I just remembered that you have a dental surgery tomorrow. Best of luck 🤞🏼!!”

    People send nice messages like that and it’s appreciated.

  2. “Hi Josephine, I remember you have a dental surgery tomorrow. All the best. I hope it goes well!”

    or anything else you want to say. It is the effort and thought that counts and makes them feel warm and not what you say. I am sure you would feel nice too if somebody cares.

  3. That’s what friends do, they remember things, they show compassion and help each other. They are the reassurance we all need but won’t ask for. Friends are the ones that will be there for you regardless.

    Your not being weird, your being a friend.

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