What are things you want your partner to do for you after a long day at work?

  1. She works a lot too, so to just relax together and order some food is very nice.

  2. That list was long years ago, usually sexual too. But after years and years of failed expectations; I now just hope she doesn’t open her mouth when I get home. A few minutes of her not nagging is bliss.

  3. Not complain about work as if I didn’t just experience the same thing (we work together, I just wanna relax.)

  4. Massage, but not only for me. For each other. It’s satysfying when you learn it then look how ur partner od relaxed.
    Try it

  5. When I still had a gf and I would arrive at her place, the first thing she would do is give me a hug. Best part of the day.

  6. Nothing. This isn’t 1953, men have no expectations of coming home to anything except more responsibilities and work.

  7. Well, the house is clean, laundry folded, dinner is hot and ready, and there’s often a mug already chilling in the fridge. I’d kinda feel like a dick if I asked her for more :/

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