For those with future plans of motherhood, how do you treat your work/life ambitions?

  1. My (f26) dreams/goals is that I get out of debt (student loans) before having children and then also saving minimum 6 months salary long reach is a years salary to have as supplemental to my partner as I take a year off. As an American we only get 3 months typically.

    I still have big plans for work ambitions but then I’m hoping to build a relationship with my organization well enough where I can still have a relationship with the organization during that year off and also building up a freelance gig that I can utilize !

    ** adding this is also if my partner and I decide to have a child (current fence sitter + possible one and done crew) also also if it doesn’t happen naturally, I’ve come to the conclusion of not paying/going into debt over fertility treatment. So i would invest that money.

  2. I want a big family. But I want to be a surgeon. Idk how I will do it but if im not a surgeon I wont be fulfilled and happy so thats above anything. Once I steady that life, my life, and feel ready to bring another life

  3. I’ve never had a lot of work ambition but that’s independent of wanting to have kids – I’d love to give up work and focus on other passions no matter what the circumstance. The rest of my life ambitions and projects aren’t hampered by motherhood even if they’d have to take a backseat a bit to an infant/pregnancy. My husband and I still have some financial goals to hit before attempting to have kids but we’re pretty focused on accomplishing them.

  4. I’m so torn on this topic. I’m an attorney, so I spent 4 years in undergrad, another 3 in law school, then the bar exam. After passing the bar in one state, I got licensed in several other states and federal courts as well. I also want to be a mother. However, I realize that trying to continue to do an extremely stressful job while pregnant is probably not the best idea for my own health or the baby’s health. It’s a tough decision to make, since I’ve spent literally decades of my life getting to where I am. But I just don’t see how I could possibly be pregnant or have a newborn and still be under the amount of stress that I’m under right now. I think I’ll probably work a few more years and then step back to start a family.

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