I (f21) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend(m22)for over a year. after completing a year things started to go downhill. our love languages(his – physical touch; mine – quality time and receiving gifts)weren’t meeting and we started getting into daily fights. my friends and I both thought that it was best to break up so I did, but since I was so attached to him that I couldn’t live without him for even 2 days, and hence I asked him to give our relationship another chance, and he did. Things were great again but still, it felt like something was missing. I was doing the best I could to make keep him satisfied with his love language and he was happy, but I always felt like he couldn’t understand me and the way I expressed my love and it started irritating me. Now we are fighting almost every day trying to make things work and it has started affecting me mentally. So I need some advice on this.

1 comment
  1. Well, obviously it doesn’t work out. What I am curious about though, what does he not understand about you? The quality time part or the receiving gifts part?

    For example, if you expect a gift every single week then I can understand his issues lmao
    (Also quite weird that you only want to receive gifts without giving any)

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