So I (24M) have been talking for a while with an old friend from when I was younger (24F). We hung out once at a bar and we kept talking through texting and snapchat, we vented to each other about work and life etc. Eventually we both said how we both enjoy speaking with each other and that we wanted to see each other again. Recently I hadn’t heard from her for a few days, she said she had been dealing with some family stuff and some stuff she needs to figure out. I texted her about two weeks ago saying I hope everything was going better and if she wanted to vent to let me know, with no response. She saw my last few snapchat stories (I usually check to see who saw them anyways.). I hope I am just over thinking but I am wondering if she is ghosting me, if she wasn’t interested in me Id rather she just say that instead of ghosting me but maybe she is actually busy and figuring stuff out in her life. I really like her, I have since we were kids, it was nice getting reconnected with her and I played it safe and did not want to get my hopes up over her but it happened, and now I am not sure what to do, should I text her again and see if she is ghosting me? or leave her be and wait for her to text me? if she ever does or something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: We met in 8th grade at about 14 years old, and had a fling here and there until 17 and lost contact with the occasional how are you from each other.

TL;DR Reconnected with an old friend and now I think I’m being ghosted but really hope I am just overthinking.

  1. Sorry but I think she is ghosting you . Familystuff is allways a good one to use if you dont want to talk . And she see your snapchat and dont comment its allways a sign . I think you have to stop sending her sms and snapchat and see what she Will do !! You Can allso ask her if she want to have more to do with you and then hope she is true . I hope you understand my english ( iam from Denmark 🇩🇰)

  2. You sound a bit clingy. If she’s got family/personal stuff going on it’s fine to check in but stop pushing your own agenda, it’s not something people enjoy.

    Message her once in a while with some nice words, until she’s had her space dealing with her stuff. You’re not at the point yet where she’s willing to share that info with you.

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