what do you do to combat dry skin flakes on your face?

  1. I ALWAYS moisturize after showering. And use really thick creams, or even better, ointments. The best one hands down is Aquaphor. Its super sticky, but only for a while, and it does wonders when it comes to healing skin.

    I have really bad eczema, so think a lot of rashes, dry skin, and itching, and Aquaphor is the only ointment that soothes it.

  2. Use a heavy exfoliating face wash and then ALWAYS moisturize after ever single time you wash your face.

  3. Moisturiser and if you want to dive abit deeper I wpuld get yourself some retinol or even tretinoin which is much stronger retinol.. but worth it.

    It helps anti ageing and it will remove the dead skin that is flaking off although when you first begin you do flake ALOT

    I literally get told every day I look way younger whereas before I started I got told I looked over my age 5+years mind you I had facial hair back then

  4. I get dry flakes on my forehead during summer. Usually I use an exfoliating scrubber and decent body/face wash. Afterwards I moisturize. It’s mostly effective.

  5. For immediate results, make a small amount of paste using plain white sugar and oil (I use either coconut or olive). Using your fingertips, Apply the paste on the dry spots and rub a little-your goal here is to slough off the dead skin while providing moisture at the same time. Don’t go too hard or too long, then rinse well.

    Your skin might be a little red but that’s normal. Best to do it at night time (after showering is great) instead of right before an event or sun exposure.

    In the long term, all the other comments are correct-drink water, exfoliate regularly (1-2x a week) and moisturize every day.

  6. That’s called dermatitis. Hemp seed oil is the best naturally solution. Daily application.

  7. African Shea butter. This stuff is amazing. My wife had a sun spot on her face, it’s gone. She used it on her abdomen during both pregnancies and has no stretch marks.

  8. I’ve found a CeraVe cream to work for my face. Its the CeraVe SA cream. it’s a little pricier but it will most definitely last a very long time. It’s a very think cream. I’m going on around 7 months of having my first tub of it.

  9. There are 100’s of products for this exact problem at your local department/drug store.

    It’s called lotion – moisturizer, etc.

  10. I never wash my face with soap. Just wet-wipe with hands or washcloth in the shower. Not that it helps, I still get a ton of “snow”. I’ve settled on Gold Bond Healing moisturizer, and right after the shower, rub that in. Wet my face first, to thin it out when applying, because it’s kinda thick. (You’ll figure out the ratio after a few tries.) Then I wipe off of my face and onto my shoulders/arms, because they need it too.

    Back when I drove to work, I’d let that soak in during, and then go to the bathroom at work and do a wet-hand wipedown on my face for any residual so I wasn’t shiny. This brand doesn’t get as greasy as the others I’ve tried, though. At home now, so I wet-wipe after breakfast if I bother.

    Been doing this since I was 20’s, and 50 now and don’t yet have crow’s feet. So think of that as well.

  11. The only thing that stops a dry skin flake is another dry skin flake with a gun.

  12. That is usually a skin disorder. Avoid really hot showers and shower less. Find a good face lotion… thats about it.

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