Like a song that someone could start to sing and everyone would join them.

  1. [Brabant]( although it’s about the province North-Brabant I’ve also heard it being played outside of Brabant where people from all sorts of provinces joined in. It’s also pretty mandatory to lock your arms with a neighbor and swing side to side. (Or embrace both your neighbors)

    [Kwestie van geduld]( (It’s a matter of patience [waiting for the day when the entirety of Holland speaks the Limburgian dialect]). Again it’s specific to one province but it’s not impossible to hear it outside of it and people to join in.

    [Belgium]( a dutch song about how every country sucks except for Belgium. [There’s an english version, but here they sing about Luxembourg]( (this version isn’t well known tho)

    The above three could be heard at some random folksy festival. But I’m now having a hard time thinking about more recent examples. 😛

  2. I can think of many:

    [This one]( became an anthem of the resistance against COVID-19. It’s basically a cover of Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive

    Now, some very legendary songs in Spain are:

    -El Canto del Loco – [Zapatillas](

    -Estopa – [Por la raja de tu falda](

    -Efecto Pasillo – [Pan y mantequilla](

    -Marta Sánchez, Carlos Baute – [Colgando en tus manos](

    -Despistaos – [Física o Química](

    -Fran Perea – [Uno más uno son siete](

    -David Bisbal – [Ave María](

    -Melendi – [Caminando por la vida](

    -Alejandro Sanz – [Corazón partío](

    -Malu – [Blanco y negro](

  3. How about songs that only come on when everyone already has a skinfull? Sweeeet Caroliiiine Dah! Dah! Dah!!!! (Neil Diamond) and Come on Eileen (Dexy’s Midnight Runners) Mr Brightside by the Killers.

    Nobody knows the words, but it doesn’t matter.

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