What is some common piece of advice you followed that ended up really badly for you?

  1. Her past doesn’t matter. In my case there was a complex pair bonding disorder in the woman I married. Yes, it’s been a rough ride at times.

  2. My dad once told me that most of my insecurities about social life would go away once I had a girlfriend

    Now ten years after I never had a relationship and honestly I don’t even know if I want a traditional relationship.

    My problems got better by taking them seriously and finding better people to be around, but I should have done it far earlier.

  3. Not a particular piece, but generally taking any life advice from older people. Made a few important life decisions based on how they viewed their life and felt extremely unhappy.

    Years later finally stopped listening to others and making my own decisions. Much happier now.

  4. “Just Be yourself”

    That’s what I’ve been doing the whole time and clearly it’s not working.

  5. The mushrooms really aren’t that strong. You really won’t feel much. …….hour later I’m in another dimension

  6. “Respect women, treat her nicely if you want her to date you”

    What a load of bull crap that turned out to be.

  7. When women ask you to “open up” and “share your feelings”. Admiral Akbar said it best.

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