1 (21f) have been with my (21m) boyfriend for almost
a year, known each other since kindergarten and
have been off and on again for many many years.

We got together again late September early
October of last year.

We had a talk because of him talking to the person
he swore he’d never talk to again because he’s
cheated on me with her and i asked him if he still
wanted to be dating me he said I don’t know so l
told him that answer doesn’t work and asked if he
still wanted me he said he does but he doesn’t so I
asked him to explain on why. He told me he doesn’t
know where he stands he is unsure and doesn’t
know what he wants how he feels and what to be
doing. I told him that answer wasn’t good enough
that I don’t know isn’t an option he still hasn’t given
me an answer.

It’s the time of year where he gets upset due to his parent passing away. I dont know if this is a red flag or I’m just reading the response wrong due to him upset about his parent being gone. TLDR boyfriend makes a promise on not talking to a girl and does it recently and says he’s unsure if he wants me or not.

  1. Don’t take back a cheater. Definitely don’t take back a cheater who is not even sure he wants to be with you. Make the decision for him and end it.

  2. If he is unsure …. How sure are you? He doesn’t know if he loves you, wants to be with you, or even date you. He doesn’t know. Hmmmm…. And you don’t know ???? Whether to believe him?

    If he wanted you, loved you, believed in the two of you… you would not be posting here. (And he would not be spending energy with the AP. Please wake up.)

    YOU DESERVE BETTER. Move on to more love, better love, better people and peace in your world.


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