I (23F) am bothered with my boyfriend (25M) always talking about girls with his co-workers (and ex coworkers). They would send each other another girl’s sexy videos almost every day, them having fantasies with their girl co-workers. This is giving me the “ick feeling” but I don’t know if i should just shrug it off. My boyfriend had this cheating issue on our first year of relationship (We are on our 3rd year) and I think it is affecting my judgement about him.

Tl;dr For the guys out there, do you always talk about girls like this?

  1. I talk about girls with coworkers just to fit in, usually not the one to bring up people profiles or flaunt things of that nature but I think it is a normal topic on hand with most dudes cause it’s obvious when there’s no girls around 😅😂 hope thag helps

  2. wow wow wow, sexy videos like of models is quite normal, but talking about their girl co workers not so much. If they personally know the female co workers and are fantasizing about them then it’s not right. He shouldn’t be fantasizing about other girls that he knows and talks to almost everyday. It’s like he has some type of feelings for them(sexually). That is very disrespectful towards you. I would talk to him about it and let him know that you feel bothered.

  3. Nah, that’s not normal and honestly it’s extremely disrespectful to you. Cut that one loose.

  4. I know tons of guys like this, not a single one of them was faithful towards their partners.
    It doesn’t surprise me you had a ‘cheating issue’, and I know you probably love this guy but you need to find your self respect and leave or at the least have an honest discussion with him. Although I doubt that will make him change.

    Yes guys talk about girls and find other women attractive, but the only men I know that act like this are children. Sending sexy girls videos to each other is weird, what do they all sit there and text each other about how horny it made them to watch that? It’s very odd behavior.

  5. It’s not unusual but it’s also not everyone, it seems to be more ‘traditionally masculine’ environments where co workers are like that.

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