Men with a big following on Instagram, does it help with getting girls, why or why not?

  1. Just checking in to see replies from those with big following 🤪

    Good question.))

  2. I only have a small following, but yeah high IG activity helps with girls. I just share shitposts and dumb shit that I think and the girls in my life all always wanna talk about it. I work at a news station, and a girl from our sister station who has never met me has been DMing me for weeks just because I posted a good photo of myself and share memes all day

  3. If a guy is interesting enough to gather a large following, he is probably interesting enough to “get” a lot of girls. Only a theory – definitely not talking from experience whatsoever.

  4. I to am oddly curious if this is more effective than getting a social job like a bartender.

  5. A man with a large following on Instagram, Twitter, etc., is probably interesting enough that he most likely doesn’t have a shortage of women interested in dating him.

    A guy with 50k-100k followers has thousands of women following him.

  6. I had had an Instagram account that I frequently used. A girl DMed me that I had never met before and we ended up dating for a little over 2 years because of it.

  7. its easier to get them, harder to keep them. so from now on i think i will just deactivate my ig to keep things real. it sucks anyway so its not a big sacrifice

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