What would you give up to extend your pet’s life by 10 years?

  1. i would give up anything to see them live any extra amount of years, i love my pets (i have 3 dogs and two cats)

  2. anything. i’d pay a lifelong mortgage on them. as long as their quality of life was good during those extra years.

  3. He and I can split the remainder of my lifetime so we both go out at the same time.

  4. My left pinky finger, a little toe, a few years off my life.

    My dog is going to be 16 in October, my time with her is very short. I’m not dealing with it well.

  5. Pretty much anything. She’s almost 11, had a cancer scare last year that might be back, and I frequently break down thinking about losing her.

  6. Everything and everyone expect for my parents and brother. The rest can leave.

  7. If I’m not guaranteed to live during these years, nothing. It’s just me and her so who would take care of her? Life is unexpected, I’m focusing on enjoying it as long as I’m healthy and alive and giving her the opportunity to do the same

  8. Limbs. Definitely any and all of those as well as literally anything else

  9. 10 years of my (natural) life. What the fuck would I have to do in 70s anyway? Hell, I’d give him an even 20 if I could, why not?

  10. Depends on the pet, I love them all but the oldest one’s quality of life is going significantly down, I couldn’t imagine living like this for another decade.

  11. nothing. I think that our pets are precious because of their limited lives. We care for them and they return the love many times over. If dogs lived 30 years, I think that it would be devastating when we finally lose them. It might be so devastating that we would not be able to function. I like to know that I have X more years with my little friend and then I will have another one who will love me differently, then maybe another if I am lucky.

  12. Literally anything, take 10 years of my life. My cat just turned 22 last month and I’m so thankful to still have her in my life but it’s going to absolutely devastate me when she’s gone.

  13. I’d like to say I’d love to extend their life… but I know that that would take away from the other future pets whom I will also love. It’s devastating losing a pet, but you just have to be grateful for the love that was experienced and the time you had together.
    I feel more scared for the pet(s) I’ll have when I die and whether or not they’ll end up in homes that will love them and take care of them.

  14. Give up ten years of my life? Hell no, I am good. Besides, I already found a way to extend my pets life.

    When I was younger, I had a very mean cat. This cat was born before I was born, so she was with me my entire childhood. Both me and my brother loved her, but on occasion we wished she would die so we could get a kitten that was actually nice.

    But she never died, she stayed with us until it was our junior year of highschool. And both me and my brother believe she stayed alive all that time out of sheer spite for us. I love that cat, and I miss her 💕

  15. What do you want? Anything I’ve got is on the table. I’ve known a lot of dogs but my girl is fucking extraordinary, legendary, goddamned canine perfection. I love her from the tips of her sweet velvety satellite ears to the rough pads of her precious paws.

  16. my dog died at 8 from cancer. i would give pretty much anything for even just another year with her

  17. I would give up all the extra time I spend on my phone such as this app to spend more useful time with my babies. This really hits hard because I just lost my guinea pig 2 days ago ): i still can’t come to terms that she’s gone.

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