So I’m 20F and my BF (21M) have only just started dating about a month ago. We met last semester and have been long distance as we went home for summer break (for context we go to school in New York about 7 hours from our school and he’s in Florida all summer for an internship). He’s great and it’s the first relationship I’ve had where there’s genuine care, communication, and understanding. We FaceTime every night at like 8 and sleep on the phone and it’s great.

Well, today he texts me something about changing gyms and how he has to tell me something and I say something like “oh okay!” And he tells me that he felt like he should’ve told me this before he did it, but he essentially went to the gym with his female coworker and felt bad and will be doing this throughout the rest of the summer. I don’t really care or get jealous but.. the day before this his roommate came into his room and told him how she thought he was handsome (he didn’t know I was on the phone lol). Anyways, he asked me if I’m okay with it and I just have conflicting feelings. I’m more of a person who’d rather not know things so him feeling bad for not telling me just made me feel weird as I think guy/girl friendships are normal but I’ve also never had a super healthy relationship before. Just wondering others opinions and if it’s worth another conversation !

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