So I have kissed plenty of guys in the past and they have all seemed into it and had no problems with everything. Two days ago I went to a party and I made out with a guy and he kept on correcting my technique (he said that I was too fast and didn’t use enough tongue) and now I’m extremely worried that I’m secretly a terrible kisser and all the other guys were just being polite. Is there a way to know whether you suck at kissing? I’m feeling extremely insecure now and I’m too scared/embarrassed to kiss anyone again…

  1. Guy sounds like a know it all jerk.

    But even if one guy doesn’t like the way you kiss, doesn’t mean you’re a bad kisser. Stick with the ones who like your style. I’m sure it’s fine. 🙂

  2. Don’t worry about it. There’s large variation in the style of kissing people prefer. The right way is whatever you and your partner like.

  3. Sounds like his problem. You have a bunch of guys who liked kissing you and one who apparently had multiple problems. Trust the rest f them, not the one outlier.

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