I was having a problem approaching people, but now since i have kinda overcome it, i have another problem, and that is i can’t come up with things to talk about on the spot. It can be with anyone, friends, girls, etc. but after like a simple small talk i go blank and start getting anxious because I’m not able to get anything in my mind to talk about. How do I overcome this, what can be done?

1 comment
  1. Well first you have to get past being anxious which of course is way easier said than done but if you’re constantly frazzled over the fact you don’t have anything to talk about that itself is going to get in the way of you talking about anything instead take a deep breath hold it for a few seconds then let it out to clear your mind and calm you down secondly is there anything they said that reminded you of a story you could tell them or triggered a memory you can just start off with “ok kind of unrelated but for some reason that reminds me of…” or look around in the environment for anything that will trigger a memory or anything nice you can talk about like the weather etc. maybe you’re by a stream and you remember a time you visited a park or something and you can always inquire with the other person if they’ve had similar experiences or like what they like like maybe you like anime so you can ask if they do too and boom you can talk about that or you can recommend something if they haven’t i hope this helped even a little bit i’m trying to get used to talking to people again after some traumatic experiences too so i’m brainstorming things i used to be able to do as well to find clarity and always remember if you can’t think of anything simply say a closing line like “well it was nice talking to you” or something of the sort and don’t beat yourself up about it just reflect on what went well what didn’t and what you learned from the interaction to help you improve.

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