I’m fat(230p) and short (168cm,even shorter than some girls) male.I’ll hopefully graduate highschool next month.My Health and height has lowered my confidence and made me completely introverted, i do wanna socialize but I’m scared about people making fun of me especially females, what should I do? i really wanna meet people,make new friends,have a relationship, enjoy it but I’m just scared because of the humiliation I suffered in the past(body shaming, sometimes physical)

PS i just have 2 friends, and none. I’m lonely most of the time my parents are both working, and no one invites me to the parties,games,etc. No one messages me I’m active on social media but it’s dry af and i just sit around being lazy because I have nowhere to go except to make progress losing weight and study for some of the upcoming exams😭

1 comment
  1. I’m sure you’ve heard this – but the thing standing in your way isn’t your weight or height. Its you and you’re confidence. I know plenty of popular people who struggle with their weight. Obviously you can work out and get in better physical shape – but you can’t change your height. And partly you will need to toughen up so peoples comments won’t destroy you. People can be assholes amd they will make fun of you for fun. You can’t let that ruin your day. Find a couple of hobbies that you like… and start doing them. Join a club. You can meet some new people and work on getting more comfortable socializing

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