When a guy initiates with a girl on the dance floor why would they ask their friend what they think of her?

  1. If you mean him asking his friend

    ‘he wants the approval of him that the girl is alright.

    If he’s asking her friends
    ‘he’s too scared to ask her himself’.

  2. friends are family to a lot of guys, so they are asking family if it’s a good choice to ask her or not

  3. It’s actually the guy trying to reduce the potential of a cock block down the line. He’s engaging the friend as part of the conversation and experience. Most cock blocks happen because the friend feels left out and ignored.

  4. You mean after he initiated things and hes just asking for an opinion?

    A lot of guys do this to get someone elses opinion since at the moment youre filled with hormones and dont think straight.

  5. I assume its asking if their friends think they think hes punching below his weight but I’ve never done it. I’d only ask if my friends might know what her personality is like.

  6. Second opinion matters greatly if one doesn’t trust his own judgment at the moment.

  7. When there exists a « he » and a « she » in the post, using gender neutral pronouns makes the question a bit hard to read. We have no clue how is asking who.

    In fact, since you used gender neutral pronouns three times, there are 2^3 = 8 possible interpretations of this post.

    And I can’t be bothered to answer all of them, so I’ll answer none.

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