How do you handle the unexpected things in life?

  1. Put your head down, keep going, work through it and cry whenever you need to. I try to not have shame in expressing emotions when things are tough.

  2. The only way out is through. I try to face things head on, give myself grace and acceptance when it comes to the emotional side of things, and keep moving forward.

  3. 6 years ago I was in a coma. I woke up in the hospital unable to walk or talk. I decided then to never make plans for the future because anything can happen and take them away. If you have no expectations then nothing can be unexpected

  4. In a shocked fashion. 🤣

    But really, I’m a realist – I prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. When the ‘best’ happens, its a nice surprise.

  5. I let myself scream and cry for a good minute. Then I after that I focus on what to do about whatever the problem is. It’s literally how I focus.

  6. Guess it depends on it they’re good or bad. Quite often I just push through and try to deal with things as they come. Stress cry. Then keep powering on like everything is fine, lol. Eventually things will be fine. I hope. Lol

  7. Once the shock wears off, I take it one day at a time of self-care and moving forward.
    On my 30th bday I decided that whenever something unexpected comes, I’m going to celebrate it by eating my fav food or going out or just sitting in a bath to process it. Refuse to be sad all the time.

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