Mid-thirties and still playing video games feels weird sometimes

  1. My PC is one of my most valuable things in my home. It’s a release and means of decompression.

    What goes through your mind when you’re gaming to make it feel weird? Sincere question.

    Edit: I’ve also forged some of my most valuable friendships through online gaming during covid. But sometimes I do feel like I could be doing better things with my time.

  2. I just bought myself a Nintendo switch two weeks ago. So glad I did, animal crossing is life changing.

  3. This started happening to me around 28-29.

    I couldn’t really justify sitting around playing a video game by myself for an hour or more at a time with the limited amount of free time I had while also juggling a wife and household chores.

    Since then I made a rule – I only play video games socially. If people come over I’ll run Mario Kart or another multi player game with them but I don’t just sit around playing by myself.

    A lot of hyper successful people I know who are 30+ still play video games regularly and usually in coop games. But I can’t do it. I already have imposter symptom and sometimes feel younger than I am (smaller physical build etc). Video games just triggers that for me even more so I leave it alone.

  4. I definitely don’t feel weird about playing video games in general, as a means to unwind.

    I do feel weird when I get competitive and care about my wins/ranking (looking at you, Starcraft)

    I’m in my late 30s. Why does something so pointless matter to me?

  5. As I’ve gotten to 40, most of my interest has just kinda died out over the past 3 years even though I was an avid gamer in my teens and 20s and I would even say a portion of my 30s.

    I startup a game these days, play for a bit and I just know there is so many other things I could be doing that are relaxing but still kinda useful (even just chilling with a podcast).

    If you dig games and manage your responsibilities, I don’t see a problem really. If you’re gaming more than 12 hours a week and have family/partner & responsibilities, I honestly think that’s a bit much.

  6. Do you have a wife and kids? I do, and although I used to be able to sit and play video games for hours at a time, I now get a feeling I can’t really explain. Guilt maybe? I think about how I could be doing thing to become a better husband and father instead. I don’t always turn it off when I get this feeling though because video games have long been the way I relax, which is important. I just sort of fight through the feeling, for good or for bad.

    I don’t know what you meant by weird, but this has been my experience lately.

  7. 39 and still going strong. I use video games to relax and connect. My sisters and I have a several times a week get together over discord where we play murder mystery or horror games together. Its helped me to connect with my sisters who don’t live close by.

    I stick to very strict work hours and don’t overwork myself. Leaves lots of time for videogames, especially the pick up and play kind that my Switch offers me. I stay far away from anything multiplayer unless my friends are into it, and even then its very niche( Ready Or Not and DCS Flight Simulator ). You will never find me in a DOTA or COD game or those types of things.

  8. I have wife and kid. I wake up 5 in the morning on the weekend to play MAPLESTORY. Which I doubt anyone here knows what pc game is that.

    They wake up around 8ish and I feel good to have spent 2 hours playing my childhood game.

    And at night if they go to sleep early, let say 10pm, I play till 1am.

    I just play it when I can and spend the rest as family time.

    The one thing I don’t do anymore is play phone games. I already spend to much time on reddit, I can’t play my lvl 11 clash of clan anymore….

    Give and take.

    Before my daughter I use to stream on twitch super smash bro! Best ever in the whole world!!!!!

    I would say it ain’t weird if you have some sort of balance.

    Weird is like your family is making pizza and you are stuck on the screen. Then that’s an issue.

  9. Unpopular opinion – spending hours playing video games each day as an adult is childish and a gigantic waste of time. Plenty of healthier hobbies

  10. I am 62 and still play video games.

    They are fun! And distracting!

    Just don’t let them rule your life and you will be fine.

  11. Don’t get it. This is the 2nd post we got this week about video games = bad.

    Just gonna say that games are much better than scrolling Insta for hours.

    Are you missing the feeling of productivity? If so be productive in the day and stop feeling guilty for taking some time to enjoy life.

  12. I’m 42 going on 43. I still play almost every day.

    Before anyone asks, I’m employed, married and have 2 children.

  13. I hadn’t played video games since my late teens. I’m turning 30 soon and just got back into Warcraft 3. It’s awesome. Zero regrets.

  14. Why would it be weird? Do what you like, don’t let the judgment of others influence you. Of course if it’s a game addiction it’s something else, but if it’s not, why not play to relax? Better than endlessly scrolling social media.

  15. Just look at it as a stress reliever. Some write (I do), and some hit the gym. It’s just a thing to keep the mind occupied for a while. Think of it that way instead of it being weird playing video games in your mid-30’s.

  16. 35 yo and I have a strong feeling of guilt when playing video games. I don’t have gamer friends and all my family doesn’t understand this entertainement at all. They say it’s either childish, or immature, or non contructive, or useless or pointless. I’ve heard my entire life that it’s unhealthy. Playing video games remains a secret hobby for me, that nobody should know about. I don’t know why but this particular thing is very poorly considered around me. it’s crazy for me that some people have the guts to pull off this passion as people around are very mean and judgmental.

  17. Why, its only an issue if you are neglecting other things, id say half the people i know in their thirties have and play games consoles, im 48 and still play.

  18. I’m 42 and I give myself some “me” time everyday in which I either play some video game or watch some tv. And, I just learnt the 4 finger claw so that I could go more levels up from 120 in COD Mobile.

  19. I’m in my late 30s and bought Witcher 3 for the Switch during the Nintendo Black Friday sale. Barely able to put it down. I mean, it’s 10 below freezing outside, so what else am I going to do while my wife is grading papers?

    Just make sure you get the important thing in life taken care of first.

  20. Oh I just turned thirty and enjoy playing fortnight as my one video game. I turn the fking sound off as to not remind me there’s a bunch of little kids im killing 😂

  21. Something I started doing when I felt like I was turning into a blue-faced zombie was to play an audio book, podcast, or stream current events. That way there is always something other than just the grind of gaming occurring.

  22. I went to a video gaming lounge (groups of gaming pcs all hooked up) at this place called Ignite. It was awesome but I definitely felt old. I was literally twice as old as those around me. But overall, gaming is gaming and cool no matter the age. For me, really long games of leveling up my character (think the old final fantasy types) are probably out because I got other stuff to do. But games like Apex are perfect because I can play for as long as I want and there is a social aspect to it.

  23. I see these posts about video games often, and it’s weird to me. Just do what makes you happy. Video games are no different than any other “time wasting” hobby. Video games can be a great way to socialize with others too.

  24. Bear in mind that you’re likely getting skewed responses on here as most redditors are technologically inclined and hence are predisposed towards gaming.

    I left gaming behind after highschool. Replaced the artificial dopamine rushes with real world ones. Best decision ever and has blessed me with fortunes, material and spiritual.

  25. It’s funny how some stories mean completely other things than what it’s intended.
    Let me ask you this, what’s important for you? You and you alone.
    What makes you feel alive? What gives your life meaning?

    What do you perceive as important for other people in their lives, that makes you feel you are looked with disdain for not doing the same?
    What are you feeling you ‘should’ be doing with your free time instead of having fun with something that always brought joy in your life?

    I don’t know if you have noticed something, but Gen Z will be 30 in a few years, and this stupid concept that games is a childish thing will be gone, the tides are shifting.

  26. If you get your life together no reason to feel weird.
    My brother is 37, successful entrepreneur, two kids, wife, house and love to play to come down in the evening.
    Some of my close friends also love to play beside their usual life with kids, jobs etc.
    I think it’s important to keep your inner child, this keeps you young in a certain way.

  27. Hell, I’m 45 and have a PS5 that I play all the time. My wife and I just set up our basement to do old school gaming (original NES, SuperNes, PS2, etc)

  28. I’m almost 44 and play all kinds of video games. Why would you stop enjoying something solely because of your age?

  29. Why? What would an example of an “approved” hobby be, and what would make it “not weird” compared to video games?

  30. I am a twenty three year old and I still play video games, while yes it does feel awkward not being a kid anymore who still playing video games but there is a bunch of video games that caters to adult audience. Trust me if you enjoy playing games you should keep on playing video games don’t let others detect you from playing games at your age man

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