What is something you think women don’t get enough credit for?

  1. Childbirth — yes, they get credit, but no where near enough, in my opinion.

  2. Quietly tolerating that we can’t even travel to certain countries based on the fact that we’re women.

  3. That moment when you take a dude home or are at his place and everything had been great but then he has SpongeBob boxers. Or something like that.

  4. Emotional labour.
    Moment you stop doing it you’re too ‘modern’ lol

  5. For showing up everyday and doing the same thing as men in schools and work places while menstruating, recovering from childbirth, going through menopause, etc. and yet asking only for EQUAL opportunities

  6. dealing with the responsibility, and consequences, of taking birth control.

  7. living in a world of violent, misogynistic and controlling men i.e. mass shooters, politicians, rapists, pedos, and abusers that we must interact with, physically serve, and sometimes carry their children with no other option.

  8. World peace.

    I don’t have anything against men but generally speaking, women know how to get along and coexist with others better than men do and are much less prone to aggression and violence.

  9. Staying as calm as we do when dealing with dismissive, rude, and/or misogynistic people. I really want to scream most of the time but I keep it in check. And of course if we show any amount of distress then we’re being “too emotional” or “overreacting”. It’s honestly infuriating.

  10. All of their accomplishments that have nothing to do with getting married and having children.

    No matter what a woman accomplishes, it doesn’t count as anything impressive because her only focus should be getting married and having as many children as possible. If she doesn’t get married and has kids…that’s all she’ll ever be recognized for even if before or during, she successfully changed the world; it will just be pushed aside as a side note (if she’s lucky) and all they will focus on what was happening with her reproductive organs. It will read like this.

    Jane Doe married John at the ripe old age of 21 (good thing she landed him when she did) and gave miraculous birth to 7 glorious male children which is lucky for her because if she had birthed a female child…oh to fear her husbands wrath. Her apple pie is to die for as well as her brownies and she never leaves the kitchen unless absolutely and only if it has anything to do with her precious PRECIOUS children and hard HARD working husband. ~~Oh and she also invented a new fuel that is clean burning at the age of 16~~ but that’s not important. We’re trying to see if a man came up with it first to give proper credit where it is rightfully due but COOKIES! Her chocolate chip cookies and back rubs are to DIE FOR!

  11. For living with a constant emotional Rollercoaster because of hormones. PMS and PMDD are real issues.

  12. Literally doing anything while on their period, for the women who have them.

  13. Working full time, caring for children, doing the housework and carrying all of the emotional load for everyone. Oh, just me?

  14. Pain tolerance. My partner was nervous about peeling a bandaid on his knee because it was too close to the cut. While I’ve had hair plucked and waxed all over my body, have gone through labor, have had intense menstrual cramps that made it difficult for me to walk, monthly intense migraines, Charley horse muscle cramps from my thigh to my feet, which lasted several minutes when I was pregnant.

  15. The pregnancy and giving birth. I’m sorry but we should be litteraly worshiped, have national holidays etc.

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