what was your worst beta orbiter moment?

  1. Is this term some part of that whole idiotic “alpha male / beta male” bullshit that insecure morons with no understanding of biology or sociology wank on about in the dumber parts of the interwebs to excuse their own shitty behaviours?

    In that case, no. Grow up. Won’t answer.

  2. Got a crush on a girl, convinced myself I didn’t and that we were just friends, ran into her and her pal at a bar, made decent conversation, and offered them a ride to Denny’s to meet their friends and sat awkwardly chatting with her friend group over pancakes.

  3. Don’t know if that’s a good or a bad beta orbiter moment, but I was hovering around this girl through her entire relationship, then afterwards a friend of hers told me the girl was “considering giving me a chance”, and soon she actually did take me outside for some one-on-one, where she basically did a job interview with me. ” Do you travel? Do you always drink this much? What are your thoughts on tattoos?” and I gave all the “right” answers like a sleazy litzle slime ball. But then she was like “Would you shave your goatee if your girlfriend told you to?” and I noped out of there and never talked to her again.

    It was an important lesson though. I crushed so hard on this girl from afar for so long. But then well, she basically just told me what she was looking for in a man (in the form of questions) and just like… it was SOOO obvious that we were absolutely not a match for each other.

    Like, I successfully played my part and tricked her into thinking there might be something, but I knew what I was really like and now she was telling me what she’s really like and just … NO!

    So the important lessons is:

    1. Get to know her immediately, fantasizing about what she must be like from afar is almost definitely incorrect.

    2. Don’t pretend, you’re attracting people you won’t actually like.

    Very basic stuff, but I had to learn it myself.

  4. **Life Pro Tip (LPT):**

    **You become like the people you hang out with.**

    The people in the group named after a pill of red color are angry socially inept men who can’t get their needs for love, acceptance, affection, and sex met.

    If you don’t want that to be you, hang out with a different group of people.

    Get help, put the work in to build a better love life, and accept the fact that you will have to be patient and tolerate failure before you get success.

  5. I’ve dated women who like to collect orbiters. I think all the orbiter moments were bad. I think this may be part of human nature but to watch these women intentionally give these guys enough attention to keep them in orbit while simultaneously telling themselves and others they are not leading them on is a very ugly personality trait. I can’t really blame them. If I was a pretty girl with a shit job and a guy wanted to buy me new tires “just because he wanted to help me out” I might just let him if I didn’t have other options.

  6. OP, will you please edit your question and decode what these buzzwords mean so we can help you?

    your username is TheTruth, speak in an honest and authentic way so you can get honest and authentic feedback.

    it’s the truth that gets you closer to reality. everything about this question indicates that you are not ready for the truth.

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