I’ve been curious about this for some time now, but I have a few questions about the world of amateur/homemade porn. More often than not, when I come across a person online that does amateur homemade porn/OnlyFans/whatever, they always seem to have a partner/boyfriend/husband that happens to have a pornstar sized dick (not *always*, but a lot of the times). I understand that’s basically a requirement in more professional, big budget porn, but in the amateur world, it makes me curious about some things:

Did your partner just so happen to be bigger sized, which may have played a part in deciding to do porn together?

Did you specifically look to date someone bigger so that you could do porn with them?

Or are you not romantically involved with them at all, they’re just a hired actor that’s just there to film scenes with you?

If you were to end your relationship with them, and your new partner is on the smaller side but still wants to be part of your videos, do you let them? Or reject the idea out of fear of backlash from fans?

I appreciate any responses, since I couldn’t seem to find any posts similar to this. Thanks 🙂

  1. A lot of the guys are ‘stunt cocks’ not actually partners but guys they fuck for content

  2. This is anecdotal but I feel fairly certain that the average dick size is much larger than advertised. Im curious by nature so I ask all my partners about their previous partners which at this point is well over 100. And either they are the luckiest girls in the world because the average size of their ex partners dicks are way above the “national average” or the real average is much higher than advertised.

    My pet theory is that in the statistical average a lot of micro dicks are included which drags down the statistical average a lot, I think if you excluded the bottom 5% of dick sized that the average size would sky rocket.

    The same thing happened with average life span in medieval times, its a common trope that the average life span was like 34 years old. But this was because a lot of babies died before they were 3-4 years old. If you excluded anyone who died before the age of 5, the average life span was 60+ years. So I wonder if its the same thing with the statistical average size of dicks.

    As an example, if you had 4 guys, 3 of them had 18 cm dicks, and the last one had a 3 cm dick. Then you could mathematically say the average size was 14 cm, but in reality as long as you dont have a micro dick, the average would be 18.

  3. I do amateur porn and my husband is average size. I always thought it was a myth that women preferred bigger. Average has always been my preference.

  4. it might be a self-selection bias– people who have larger than average penises might be more inclined to do porn. i don’t do porn but i would like to, in part because i think my husband is impossibly sexy and would like to show him off, so there might be something similar going on– either ‘we’re hot, we should show off’ or ‘hey we meet typical porn qualifications, we should do porn’… basically either it might appeal to an exhibitionist kink that, itself, derives from metrics of conventional attractiveness, or it might be a practical decision wherein people assume they’re anatomically/physiologically suited to porn, and thus do it.

    i wonder if there’s a bias in what’s hosted, too– i don’t know how it works but i suspect porn sites might be able to reject certain videos? or maybe whatever type of porn you like is more likely to feature larger penises– maybe most of the people with smaller penises who do porn are more likely to perform in a different subcategory?


  6. It could just be the porn you watch.

    I tend to watch more femdom, gay, porn for women specifically, and solo male porn. I also like to listen to audio.

    With that the men aren’t always very big. I see mostly normal cocks.

    The thing is when you bring up porn sites they are usually catered to whatever you normally watch so if you normally watch amateur porn with big dick guys that is what you are going to see on your front page. My front page is very different.

    Also a lot of “amateur” porn features professional porn actors. If you watch normal porn a lot you will start seeing a lot of actors being portrayed as amateurs. Like I can be watching something and get all excited because I see the letters on the guys leg and I’m like hot damn there’s Owen Gray making an appearance in this one. Does it say amateur, yep. Is he an amateur, nope, no he is not.

    Also as a normal run of the mill woman I can tell you in my 28 years of life I’ve had sex with 14 people. 12 were male and of those 12 males 2 were significantly larger than average, 1 was significantly under average, and the rest were right around average.

    I have videos of all of them for my personal collection it is really easy to manipulate the cameras and make an average or under average cock look bigger.

  7. People who fit the “conventional beauty standard” are simply more likely to have the confidence to show their bodies to the world.

    I make a lot of home porn that I don’t put online. I’d do it with someone I trust and like to fuck, regardless of penis size.

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