Women of Reddit who faced sexual assault/rape and fought the perpetrator(s) OR were able to escape, how did you do it?

  1. I escaped. Thankfully. Sheer will and fight or flight. I ran away and he chased me all the way to my dorm room. Never wish that kind of fear on anyone.

  2. We were in a tight spot so he couldn’t maneuver me the way he needed so I was able to fight back. I just kept covering myself up every chance I got. He’d pull my shirt up or down and try my pants so I’d pull my top down and then he’d go back to the top and then I’d pull my pants back up while he was doing that. Eventually he got them down so I just had to keep crying and begging him to stop while hitting his chest. He hated my crying. And I’ve been told he could have killed me for fighting. And? I would have gladly died than willingly lay there for him to take advantage of me.

  3. You know I was sexually assaulted as a child and I never said a world to anyone… and it’s really hard when your at that age because you don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong in those kind of situations… and I ended up thinking it was normal for my teenage neighbor to do to me at the age of 7… and it became a constant thing Because he would always take care of me when my parents had errands to run or when my mom would drive 30 minutes out to pick up my dad from work… I remember one day his dad came home early and he offered to watch me while my mom went to the grocery store so I ended up going over there and that’s when I new it was wrong because his dad pulled out toys for for me to play with and he actually took care of me! His son got home from school and told me to go with him to his room and I just didn’t want to! I stayed with his dad instead, then at school months later they talked about that kind of stuff because we had a child predator that lived by the school a few blocks down and ever since then I just always volunteered to go with my mom every where instead of my neighbors son, no matter how much he insisted…. I have never told anyone and never planned to… so now that I have my own kids I am scared to let anyone take care of them besides there grandparents

  4. I was being kept in my abuser’s apartment, not allowed to leave, at the age of 14. My mom didn’t understand I was being held but I was drugged, threatened, and otherwise manipulated to stay. Loads of people knew it was happening but no one did anything about it.

    Long family vacation to the USA was nearing and abuser was getting anxious about me leaving. He tried to push me to cut myself so deep that I’d have to be hospitalized and not go. Luckily I didn’t manage (and didn’t want) to cut deep enough.

    The night before my flight home from vacation I was so terrified of being back with him that death felt like a better option. So I took all my meds and all the dog’s meds. Bottles of allergy pills, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and Ritalin. The attempt landed me in the ICU for a week, I’m so glad I got scared and told my aunt what I had done almost immediately. That 95 day stay at the mental hospital saved my life and managed to keep me away from my abuser for long enough to escape him forever.

  5. I was 13. This 17 year old boy I knew through family friends grabbed me, and tried to drag me into his house–in broad daylight! My nails have always grown quickly, and I hadn’t cut them recently. I pulled away, dug into his forearm and dragged my nails down. I just went feral. Got a swipe at his face in too. Fuck you Glenn.

    I am so glad I have never had a problem getting mean with men who try to violate my boundaries, and I have perfected turning on stone-faced, ice coldness when they trigger my Spidey sense.

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