So I’ve been talking to my crush for months and we haven’t really talked romantically really but we flirt a little here and there as a joke. Me and him are just friends but I’ve been wanting to hang out with him for a while and go on a date. I just don’t know how to bring up the subject without it being awkward, I really just wanna say “do you wanna go on a date with me?” But I’m scared of rejection and how he’ll turn me down and say “I will see” or something along those lines. Any advice or things I should say?

  1. I’m a dude, I recommend just doing it. It’s better than wondering and it will give you an answer either way. If he doesn’t jump at the chance, he either only wants to be friends or doesn’t want to lose you as one if it doesn’t work out. If he does, there you go. In my experience, it’s easier this way.

  2. ‘Do you want to go on a date’ has worked 100% of the time for me, personally. It’s not as smooth as ‘we should hang out sometime,’ but people, in my experience, appreciate the lack of ambiguity.

    If you’re worried about rejection, well… Rejection sucks for a while, but it’s worse not to know. Trust me, it’s worse not to know.

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