As a motivation to other struggling to make one of those hard decisions in your life.

Some of you probably read my previous posts about manipulative, abusive and toxic relationship I (M26) had with now ex-GF (F24).
In last few days of our relationship, it was like a disaster. I was so tired but could’t sleep more than 4 hours. Not so productive at work, totally out of my head while driving and didn’t give a damn if I would cause a car accident. Basically just body without mind.

I knew it would’t get any better, because after some talking with her, in 5 days, we were back on the same road, where I was afraid that anything I do can trigger her.

So I finally found a power to tell her, that I somehow kinda like her, but both of us aren’t happy and that I believe that break up is the best option for both of us.

The stone… No, huge mountain fell of my chest by just saying that. I feel a lot better, I am free and not controlled, I can do what I like or see a friends without explaing to someone. Jesus, I feel AMAZING. Not even regreting or crying or feeling bad.
So to anyone who are in not working relationship, think about it, what are the benefits and what is the price you have to pay? Don’t be afraid to end it if it’s not working.

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