Ok I’m seeing a lot of comments on being able to pee while standing 😂 so anything outside of that would be nice to hear

  1. The physical advantages. Also it’s easier to command respect as a man. Something about the voice and stature.

  2. It’s great! You get to stride down the street on tree-trunk-like legs, clad in rugged blue jeans and a red flannel shirt. Women swoon at your fiery red hair and mighty beard, while you swig Jack Daniels straight from the bottle, tossing it carelessly aside when you’re done. And when something inevitably explodes behind you, you pretend to not notice, like the frickin’ badass you are.

  3. Having the ability to defend yourself and not attracting creepy guys. You have tremendously more freedom as a guy, especially if you live outside of the most developed societies.

  4. 1. No periods
    2. No childbirth

    Being stronger on average

    Being hated by society simply for existing; being the brunt of society jokes.

    “We’re naturally dumb by default” stereotypes


    Oh wait you asked for the best parts…

    1 & 2.

  5. Having a dick is awesome. Makes peeing more convenient. It is easy to get aroused and easy to orgasm pretty much all the time.

    Also, you don’t have to deal with having periods, being pregnant, giving birth, breastfeeding, or menopause.

    I’m not a big or tall man but I still have more upper body strength than the *average* woman.

    These are just the biological benefits. There are many social and cultural ones that often apply as well.

  6. Can’t really think of anything that isn’t just a good part of being human/alive but I do quite like being more muscly/strong. Recently started weights and I love seeing the progress.

  7. Basically the same answer over and over again in the comment section: Not being a woman

  8. 1. No rape attempts against me at this point, I feel safe running through the streets in nothing but shoes and shorts at night
    2. Write my name in the snow/can pee in the woods without squatting
    3. All that privilege folks keep telling me about.
    4. I’m naturally bigger, stronger, faster, and have higher bone density than most women. This also makes it easier to command respect from others.
    5. I don’t have to worry about bearing children or having periods
    6. I ALWAYS get off when I want to, and I don’t need to worry about people calling me a slut for having alot of sexual partners.
    7. Being called an asshole when being difficult with people is almost a compliment where as women are called bitches for the same reasons it seems much more harsh. – though some women own this word very well too.


    Ultimately… It’s not that much better…

  9. I think that being able to dress more casually without being judged harshly is nice. It’s nice to know that I can wear a tshirt and jeans to a party and its acceptable. Women have to dress much nicer and wear extra things even just for a coffee with friends.

    The other thing is I dont’ have to be as aware of my surroundings.

  10. being able to be independent and do anything alone. travel alone, walk down dark alleys alone, go to restaurant and nightclub bathrooms alone. and when i want something, i figure out how to get it rather than depend on someone else to get it for me

  11. 1. Crushing enemies
    2. Seeing them driven before you
    3. Hearing the lamentations of their women

    Yes, I realize this is what is best in life, but I think we can safely claim it for men.

  12. Everyone’s talking about peeing while standing up but what about peeing your name in cursive out in the snow lmao

  13. I think women and girls feel compelled to put on a false face for public view way more often than we do. And I think it must be goddamn exhausting.

    Mind you, I’m not perpetually 100% candid about every thought or feeling I have, 24/7. No one is. But… my freedom to be my authentic self when and how I want is something that I hold dear.

  14. (based upon my wife’s experiences)

    I’m gonna say no bras. Having to wear, shop and get fitted for those things is a small hell as far as I’m concerned.

  15. No periods and not having to be afraid of being sexually assaulted by every guy they come across.

    It’s a fucked up world out there with a lot of bad people and I’ve got a hot wife and a soon to be teenage daughter, so I’m always on edge for them!

  16. Honestly, birth and everything related to biological child rearing.

    That and probably the level of respect I can gain by controlling a room through sheer Charisma is handy in both my personal and professional life.

  17. I’m not being sarcastic when I say but not having people bother you asking for your number or trying to ask you out constantly. I know women go through it on the daily.

  18. What makes us great guys is how amicable we are to each other. We forgive each other readily. We are desirous to serve others.

  19. Growing up in a third world country .. I should say it’s the freedom ..life wasn’t the same for lot of my female friends…

  20. Being able to think of nothing. Its amazing experience as its as if it never happened

  21. Honestly, probably the fact that I never have to be physically afraid of anything. Like, I can walk alone at night, I can go to any random persons house, I can get inebriated without worrying about being taken advantage of. Obviously someone could have a weapon, which would suck, but I could fend off any barehanded attack well enough to get home with just some bumps and bruises.

    Just kidding. Peeing standing up

  22. Having a high base stat in physical strength is pretty good. being ok with being alone is also pretty dope apparently ladies dont have that as much… im told we get advantages in the workplace, thats pretty nice. i think we get pretty cool toys and activies… not that women cant check out shit out if they want to but like, we get it as a default… people feel safe around me which so far has been nice but i wont enjoy that on the day that i actually need to protect someone cause i might look like a scary fucker but im a fucking coward to my bones… i enjoy not having the same range of emotions constantly thrown at me as women seem to… not sure if thats nature of nurture but im definitely a thinker not a feeler.

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