Men of reddit, What will you do if you find out your partner cheated on you?

  1. Drop that fucker like a rock. Sorry booboo but you only get once chance with this idiot

  2. Leave / divorce.

    There may be a different situation whereby an open relationship is agreed, but I suppose this would not be cheating.

    Not into open relationships, but I hear it mentioned sometimes. Not my thing.

  3. *cocks shotgun* no not really. Get divorced and have her pay me alimony since she’s the breadwinner

  4. I’ll obviously be hurt, i’ll have a convo with them about it. Explain to her how i felt about her actions and how i feel.

    Then i will wish her the best, and vanish from her life.

  5. Hard to say. Never been cheated on. Id deff break up, no idea if i would get violent, i hope i wouldt.

  6. I’m on my third marriage. Previous two did not end because of cheating. At this point, if that happened, the relationship would certainly be over and I would never get married again.

  7. This one gets asked a lot… Besides the obvious end of relationship what else is expecting as an answer?

  8. Not asking why, I’m saying thank you so I can give my time away to some other woman and leave.

    Then as soon as I’m alone cry my eyes out to the point of sleep, so that maybe I’ll function the next day.

  9. Happened to me multiple times. I’ve gotten better at reacting to it however. The first time I went postal and beat the guys ass while they were still in bed. The time after that I simply told the dude he can have her and left.

    The next two times it happened I found out 1. Through text that she was cheating and broke it off. The last time same thing I told her that the dudes she was messing with can have her.

    There isn’t a woman in my opinion that should get me out of my frame and there isn’t a woman worth fighting a dude for. If she wants to be with me she’ll ensure that she remains faithful as it’s my job to remain faithful to her.

  10. I’ve hidden drug addiction/use and come clean to my wife on several occasions. Sober almost 4 years now though. The pain I’ve caused her probably warrants her cheating on me. I’d be willing to work on the relationship.

  11. Same thing I did last time: break up with them on the spot. Then make them reclaiming their stuff from my house much more difficult than it needs to be.

  12. Start singing I’ve Got a Golden Ticket as I dance around the room packing my bags and making my escape for freedom.

    I’d laugh like a madman as I threw him the keys yelling “she’s all yours!!!”

  13. I guess I’d depend on the situation? Did I catch her cheating on me or did I find out about something that happened 10 years ago(just an example) when we were going through that rough patch in our relationship? Because for me these are to very different things. She would have a pretty good chance of gaining my understanding and forgiveness if she’s able to show that this happened a long time before we grew into the wonderful relationship we have now that it hasn’t happened since. If it something that has happened recently then I would be really hurt. It would take a lot of effort to convince me she was still worth being with.

    Married 17 years and most of it has been pretty good. The last few years the sex has been awesome. If she still wanted to be in a relationship with me then I probably would try to make it work ie. marriage counseling because I feel like the current relationship we have would be worth trying to salvage.

  14. Tie the bloody stump of a relationship off and leave. Cheating on your SO is just wrong.

  15. It has already happened once and we are years into reconciliation. If it happens again I would probably get a divorce.

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