What makes a guy love someone one day and treat them like nothing the next?

  1. In my experience men go off women rapidly when the woman is rude, treats other badly or gets too drunk, loud or embarrassing in public.

  2. The goal of having sex with them. Then when it happens, it’s not good or something is a dealbreaker turn off for him (smells bad, huge afro bush, lays like a dead fish, dry as a bone, etc)

    If the sex is terrible that’s something most guys just won’t be able to be OK with long term so all the honeymoon stage “I love you so much” stuff dries up immediately.

  3. I’m not saying this is what happened to you. But it has happened where I was nice to a girl and had a conversations with her. And she took that as I am in love with her and that weirded me out so I distanced myself.i probably could have handled it better but I was 18 and made decisions very quickly

    Later her friends messaged me and ask how I could make her fall in love and then bail on her. When all I did was talk to her for a couple days.

  4. Happens after first time sex sometimes because that was his plan – tell you what you want to hear, get what he wants and move on to the the next. Also, there could be another woman. Also, also, he might’ve realized that it just wasn’t working.

  5. Finding out you cheated or lied to them? Having an epiphany that you are not what they want? They were playing with your emotions and once you got attached they stopped caring because they knew they could get away with it now? I mean, we’re going to need WAY more context if you want an answer.

  6. Probably most of the same things that would cause a woman to do the same. Anything from psychological issues to the woman hurt him in some way. Without a little more to the story no one here is going to give you a reasonable answer.

  7. Love =/= Lust. Guy probably wanted to get in your pants, but doesn’t want the personality, attachment, commitment, time sink, or other reasons they don’t want to be with you.

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