I’m really starting to feel like this relationship sucks, and now being told today that it’s my fault we’re not working like a team or helping each other like we suppose to. From the grocery shopping, I got mad at the comment do you even know how to grocery shop I’m just asking a question. To oh you don’t even want to come lay with me no more, wouldn’t someone get tired of a few days of waiting up for a person to come home. Like seriously I got a taste of how this gon be and makes me feel I’m better off on my own. Then it’s oh you don’t like me telling you things cause you know I’m right, why does it gotta be your way I literally feel like I opened up something just for him to come live with us and take over completely how I do things. Then says I’m giving him crap about not coming home sometimes I feel like if he feels that way I don’t want this if I’m bothering someone I’m with. Ugh

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