What’s an “I told you so” moment or lesson that your Parent/ Guardian was absolutely right about?

  1. My parents didn’t like the people I hung out with in high school. Now 10 years later I don’t talk to any of them and most of them aren’t good people.

  2. “You’ll hurt yourself if you keep doing that”

    Young me; *swinging on a door, sliding down the stairs on my ass, jumping between sofas, hanging upside down from branches and countless more examples.*

    “Yeah right!”

    (They were right each time)

  3. “If you keep trying to be right all the time the world will go against you”

    I was an arrogant 20 year old college student at the time my parents told me this. I obviously thought that it was all BS and still decided to argue and make a fight of everything.

    Soon after this, however, my boss fired me due to constant arguments I started at work and my BF also broke up because I was starting to be manipulative in the relationship and making it all about me. When both of those things happened in a period of less than 10 days then I realized I needed to stop and let things go and not trying to make the world 100% just.

  4. They were concerned that a 28 year old guy at my work wanted to be my boyfriend. I was 15 and thought I knew everything. At the time I thought I was adult enough to make my own decisions and caused them a lot of stress by sneaking out to hang out with him and his degenerative druggy friends.

    I grew up fundamentalist and had absolutely no understanding of what was normal. Many women my age (in the church) would date men that were much older, and even married them. I struggled to understand what was normal and what was predatory because often the lines were very blurred between my religious life and my so-called “worldly” life.

    I’m 31 now and its one of the occasions I realized that I was truly in the wrong and probably caused them a great deal of stress and anxiety. He was a real loser and I would have been terrified if my daughter was talking to someone like that.

  5. In high school, my parents said “nothing good happens after midnight.”

    It was true. There was nothing good after midnight for a rebellious teen like myself.

  6. My step dad told me I was too serious with my first boyfriend and I needed to just take care of myself. Somehow when I decided to move in with him at 18 they just let me go. I look back and wish I would have listened to my step dad.

  7. My mom did not like my boyfriend. Turns out he really was an ass. They also gave me 2 or 3 AM curfew back in the day – teenage me was outraged, now-parent-me is mind blown they allowed me to go out that late in the first place.

    Honestly, I was a really dumb and *really* rebellious teenager and they were right about pretty much all things. What can ya do.

  8. My mum told me not to wear my new sandals to school as they were no good for running and playing.
    5 year old me knew best and ended up falling flat on my face and shredding the skin off my nose.

    Picture day was the next day!

  9. I was whining a lot during my first pregnancy. Mom said “pregnancy is the easy part” and I rolled my eyes. I was certain that once my sweet lil baby was born it would be a beautiful, perfect, easy time.
    30 years later, she has proven right too many times to count.

  10. When I started smoking cigarettes when I was 19 my dad told me it would become a friend for life. I thought I could quit at anytime. Of course I couldn’t and I’m in my 40’s and it’s still a struggle.

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