I’ve been reading tons of stories about weird or strange things that ended up on the news around the world. So what kind of weird or strange stories happened to your place?

  1. Swede here. Some dudes stole a helicopter, landed it on the roof of a facility that held tons of cash. Blew some stuff up. Took the cash. Went back to the roof and into the helicopter. Flew away and escaped. If I remember correctly, they were all caught in the coming days

  2. Does Orbán’s party winning with 2/3 of parliament seats for the fourth time count?

  3. A few years ago there was a really bad weather and thunder hit in some man’s yard, directly in the tree that’s few centuries old, cracked it in half and the next day he found inside the tree a chest full with gold and other jewelry dating back to ottoman times. Like wtf, why couldn’t that happen to me?

  4. Probably not the strangest, but definitely a peculiar one from Moraña, in the province of Pontevedra, happened in 2014:

    A couple of guys had a heated argument at a bar. One of them stormed off, went home, put on a scuba suit, went back to the bar and shot the other guy with a harpoon.

    This is some Florida Man level of absurdity.

  5. The story that got me to the Front Page of Reddit (P.S I never want to get there again).

    Back in 2014 a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane was headed to Switzerland, but had to be intercepted by French/Italian fighter jets because the Swiss Air force didn’t work on nights and weekends.

  6. That time when two ≈15 year old boys decided to fuck horses.

    I wouldn’t find it all that strange if one of them had a fetish. But I am just stuck here wondering how they found each other. How they brought it up at all in a conversation.

    My imagined conversation:
    * “Oh look at that pretty horse over there.”
    * “It sure is pretty… Want to fuck it?”
    * “How I have waited to hear those words out of someone else’s mouth. I thought you’d never ask.”
    * _Skips away holding hands with a bucket in between._

  7. Finland: more funny than strange. In the 90’s, someone in a sleepy rural village decided to report they’d seen a lion roaming around. The yellow press jumped on the subject, sending a reporter to the scene.

    Later on, it turned out it was made up and that the guy had used a spoon to make some “lion tracks” on a dirt road.

  8. In Växjö, Sweden in the 90’s a drunk dude managed to fall into a chimney right above the pub. He got stuck. He was found the next morning when someone heard shouts coming through the wall. When he was rescued his only worry was that his friends would tease him forever about this. I’m sure it didn’t help him much that the pub went full marketing on this story by fitting a big window in front of the hole and a some scrap articles next to it explaining what had occurred. To this day no one knows why it happened.[https://youtu.be/Xmc-PTZiqoo](https://youtu.be/Xmc-PTZiqoo)

  9. The murder on the brothers Johan (leading republican of the Dutch States Party, and opposing the House of Orange-Nassau) and Cornelis de Witt by pro-Orangists. They captured them, beat, shot and stabbed them to death, hung them on a strappado, cut them open, and ate parts of them. Other parts were fed to the dogs.

  10. A man escaped from a psychiatric hospital in Aberystwyth in 2001. He stole a bus in order to escape and proceeded to pick up and drop off several passengers on his way home.

  11. The reason denmark created its social regestry, in the beginning of the 1900s, was because of a woman massmurdering orphan children.

  12. It may not be the strangest, but it’s a story I read a few weeks ago that cracked me up. Screams came from a house so loud that the neighbours called the police, it turned out that it was actually a mother scolding her 50-year-old son for not eating enough; news that repeats itself…

  13. I can think of a few recent ones all based on crime, they are pretty funny, maybe except one or two which are probably a bit sad depending on how you look at it, but ridiculous nonetheless.

    1. Man got home from cycling, put his bicycle balcony in his flat. Next morning his bicycle got stolen from the balcony. He lives on the 5th floor. I am actually impressed with that one.

    2. A man robbed a petrol station and when the police arrived, he was still there because a woman managed to keep him long enough inside until the police came. She managed that by giving him a blowjob.

    3. A man got his working tools stolen, so he contacted the police. They found out the neighbor’s kids stole them and he pressed charges because his tools got stolen multiple times already and it would not stop if he just let them go. However, it was deep during covid and the country had an emergency state, meaning crimes during that time got much harsher sentences, which meant they would get like 10+ years in prison. The whole family was pleading and the kids threw his tools back into his garden during night. The problem was they threw way more tools than he had owned, meaning they stole other tools from someone else as well…

    4. One evening a teenager came up to his local police station and the clerk. He said “I came for the drugs and money”, the guy confused as wtf just sent him home. I think he repeated that one more time, but I’m not sure. Later around midnight or later he came back with an axe and he broke the enterance glass door with the axe, it caused an alarm and he ran away without the axe. The next morning, the chief of the police station gave a statement about the incident to the TV on camera and just then, I kid you not, the boy returned again, came up directly to the chief on camera and said “I came to take back my grandma’s axe” and I wouldn’t have believed that if I didn’t see the report myself. The boy looked like he had a mental disability though and I personally thing some kids wanted to have a laugh and convinced him he’d be badass if he took money and drugs from the police station. I kinda feel bad for him.

  14. This will be a doozy.

    A very influential doctor had a bunch of mastiffs. One day some rando sees them on the street and decided to take a few pictures. The mastiffs felt threatened, so they attacked and mauled him.
    Here we have a law that demands that dogs who attacked a person are euthanized. But given how influential the doctor was, he got amnesty for the dogs.

    A few years later the police get another call about another dog attack. This time the victim was the doctor himself. And he was mauled to death.
    Soon after new information came to light. First the doctor was actually A FtM trans, which spurred a bunch of talks how he was actually sexually assaulting his dogs with a strap-on. This was also when the fact he pulled some string to save his dogs came to light.

    Soon after right wing media started reporting about how he was a part of leftist “cabal” who had strange orgies and other strange conspiracy theories.
    Even now I’m not sure where truth ends and fiction begins. Like did he actually raped his dogs, or was that just something transphobes made up…

  15. In 1949 138 students occupied the Gravensteen (a medieval castle) in Gent because they increased the price of beer.

  16. Shortly after the Allies liberated Austria from the Nazis, Jewish terrorists blew up a British military train in Austria.

    wtf? yes!

    The whole thing has to be seen in the context of the founding of the Israeli state, in which conflict arose between the British and the Jews.

    Much more topical is the story of the guy who got bitten in the sack by a snake while taking a shit.

    The snake escaped from a terrarium in a neighbouring flat into the sewers.

  17. Many of them.. but think one special one was during the opening of the winter olympics in norway (lillehammer 1994).. During the opening ceremony, a famous criminal, put a [ladder](https://premium.vgc.no/v2/images/bc36cb90-bfe0-4f83-83fd-1b0ce13156d5?fit=crop&format=auto&h=986&w=1440&s=4169f7423d3e25d07455855c2eccde2ffa2bd985) up to a window outside the national gallery, knocked the window.. walked in.. Picked one of the most famous pictures (not only in norway but in the world)… the [scream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scream) by edvard munch.. and walked out.. inside the museum they left a post card saying something like “thank you for poor security”… While probably the police and everybody else was wathcing the opening ceremony.. Could have been an episode of the simpsons..

  18. Last year, there was a far-right fool called Jürgen Conings who had stolen heavy weapons from military barracks. He threatened to shoot a well-known virologist. The Belgian, German, Dutch and Luxembourg police and armies searched for him for weeks, but he remained under the radar. The whole country was in turmoil and it appeared that the Belgian intelligence services had failed. Finally, his lifeless body was found by a local mayor during a mountainbike ride. Conings had been missing for 35 days, and then a local mayor happened to stumble upon his body in the middle of nowhere. It doesn’t get any more Belgian than that.

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